Chapter 5 'Sleepless Stars'

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Trigger warning:

Common Filipino words:

Disclaimer: If any if the MCYTs are uncomfortable with this book or wish not to be a part of it I am willing to change the name or take down the book


I got up in cold sweat, I looked around the room and everything was the same. The window was closed, and my jacket hung sloppily from my chair. I sighed in relief holding my chest. I checked the time and it was 6:00. I got up and rushed to get myself ready. Oh God, why- how wha???I checked my bag and inventory then sprinted to English. When I got there Karl looked at me concerned. "Kades, what the??" I took in a deep breath and just brushed him off. "It's fineeeee." I dragged out the 'e' for emphasis and went to my seat sighing. Why the fuck? I got my earplugs and put them on. All I did until the others came in was drum on the table with my fingers. I mean it was only less than a two minute wait.

Most of the lesson slurred together in my head. I didn't really listen much though, the pop quiz was rather easy- Thank God there wasn't essay writing- if there was... I'd just pass out. I didn't have the mental stability to do that at the time. When all was said and done and I was waiting in our next class(computer science). I was still zoned out.


The day whizzed by and I was back in my room. I felt tired and unmotivated, it sucked. I felt myself continue to spiral into hell only knows. To my luck my phone rang. "O?" I dragged the phone over. "Ay, uhm- haha..." Tommy. "Wheres Phil? What happened?" He cleared his throat and incoherently asked for help. "Slow down. Now, please say that again" I heard him take a deep breath and he repeated. "We're stuck. We played twister and now we're stuck." I let out a heavy sigh and stood up. "And Phil?" "Busy." Of fucking course he's busy. I facepalm. "Be there in a second." I walked over to the door and walked to their dorm. I twisted the doorknob, and I was met with a sight I wish to never unsee. I let out a laugh and snapped a picture. "Wha- HELP US!!" I looked for a second and continued to help the three untangle. I laughed at the now separated trio. "So?" One of them started. I shrugged. "Imma head back now." I walked back and collapsed on the couch.


My eyes opened and all I saw was the ceiling. I got up and looked around, only seeing that I was on the living room floor. I got up, checked the time and walked to my room. But no matter how hard I try I couldn't fall asleep, I dreaded taking melatonin so I just delt with it.


Ranboo's POV

I was sitting in class writing a little in my notes. Everything was normal- or at least it would've been if Tommy hadn't gotten into a fight... The bell rang and I was snapped out of my thoughts. "Hey, Ranboo do you think Tommy's okay?" Tubbo started. "I mean, he's been through worse. So... I bet he's fine." Tubbo nodded, looking around. "Have you seen Purpled or Kades?" I looked at him surprised. "I saw Purpled earlier but I haven't seen Kades lately, why?" Tubbo paused. "When I saw them earlier they looked tired, not just the normal tired I mean... Dead tired." Concern filled both of us as we walked our way to the cafeteria.

As we walked in and got our food we found Tommy sitting next to a window. We waved and walked over. "Ayyyyy Tubbo, Ranboo." We said hey and started eating.

"It's a Friday today. Do you guys know what that means?" I started. "We get to end off 'the blackout club'!" Tubbo and Tommy threw their arms into the air. "We should finish up, lunch is almost over," I said looking at the clock. "Right!" We finished our food and went to our separate classes.


After class, we rushed to our dorm and started up the game. "Okay chat! We're gonna finish off the game!" The chat began to fill with 'Pog', 'Lets go' and was now speeding. Around an hour in someone in chat donated.

"Weren't there four of you playing this?"

All of us paused, oh god we forgot about Kades! We tried to ping, call and DM them but they didn't answer. "I guess we're finishing the game without them then?" Tommy asked through the call. "Yeah I guess, but we should probably look for them later." Everyone agreed and we continued playing. When we finished the chat asked if we could turn the stream into a search stream, we said we'll just make a video or talk about it later. I ended the stream and we all collectively went to their dorm.

When we got there we knocked, no answer. Tubbo tried turning the doorknob and it was unlocked. We went inside and they weren't there. "Where do you think they went?" Tubbo asked frantically. "I don't know!" Me and Tommy looked around and we all scattered. We all ran outside because if they're not in their room their outside!

Third-person's POV

The three ran around in a panic, subsequently getting Purpled's attention. "What the fuck are you three out here for?" Purpled walked under the streetlight. "Looking for Kades." One of the three replied. "You guys noticed too?" They nodded. "Let's split up?" Purpled was interrupted by a sneeze. "What?" Tommy walked towards the sound with the others trailing behind him. The four were led to a small clearing, it was just about big enough to fit a small group of ten(10). Laying down near the centre was Kades, staring into the abyss.

"Sit." They patted the space beside them. "What?" the group slowly found a spot and sat and laid down. "Why are you here?" Purpled started. "There's going to be meteor shower in a bit." "Is that why did you ignore us?" They shook their head. "I left my phone in my room." "Why were you..." "I couldn't sleep, so as soon as classes ended I tried to sleep but bombed my room with bug repellent just so I could sleep elsewhere." Once they finished a shooting star whizzed across the sky.

"Damn, are we late?" A voice from behind caught the others attention. "I don't think so." Tubbo looked at the person- group. "Find a spot, it's about to start." Kades pointed at  the 2 to 5 shooting stars. Everyone scattered to an empty space and the clearing was full of people(There was a space between each).

Everone watched in awe as one by one the meteors multipled and fell, the gorgeous sight was witnessed by not just the people in the clearing but everyone from school. The teachers and staff watched from the windows and the other students watched from the rooftop and just outside their dorms. With each shooting star and wish that flies by everyone felt lighter. Once the meteor shower finished and everyone went back to their rooms everything was quiet.

(A/n: Hope you guys liked it, and sorry for the delay. I was kinda busy.)


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