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Annoyed, Samba flipped over in his bed to pick up his phone. It was two in the morning and here he was with a plethora of messages from Lucario! And even more coming in it looked like.

Samba looked over at Antonio to make sure the phone going off hadn't disturbed him any. And once he deemed that the older was still asleep, he put his phone on silent and then unlocked the device to see what Lucario was on about at nearly three A.M..

I know you probably hate me.

But you need to stay away from Antonio.

He's not safe. I know you think you know him but he's not the same boy you left behind before high school.

Link: Two Student from Adamsville High School Gone Missing!

Samba frowned and then looked back at Antonio.

This wasn't the first time Lucario was saying some shit like this. It was hard to believe him when the same boy he was accusing of being dangerous was literally the same boy he had been close with years ago was currently cuddled up next to him in the blanket looking like a bean.

Another message came through causing Samba to revert his attention back to his phone.

That one day when I told you to stay away from him, the very first time I saw him ... he had locked me in some room. A bedroom it seemed. He has a shrine dedicated to you, Samba. It's actually really scary. He's obsessed with you.

Samba thought about it for a moment. A shrine wouldn't be completely out of the blue. After all, Antonio did take hella pictures of him. And to be honest, the thought of someone being that dedicated to him, that obsessed seemed kinda cute.

Samba also knew Antonio would definitely do whatever it took to protect him too no doubt.

Well ... seems like he's performing your role pretty well. Protecting me. Obsessing over me. Taking care of me. He's done more for me as a friend in these past few months than you've ever done as my boyfriend. To be honest, it's probably you I should be staying away from.

Listen, babe, I'm sorry. I know I should've been doing better. And it didn't dawn on me until that night after the three of us went out to that café. I should be treating you much better.

You think?.

Yeah but-

I don't want anything to do with you, Luce. You've done nothing but bring me sadness our whole relationship. And on top of that, you're trying to make my friend seem like a bad person.

Dude, he's a killer! The proof is right there! You think I care if you break up with me? I can go find some other bitch to hop on my dick. I'm literally telling you this stuff to try to protect you.

Samba mentally growled. Fucking bipolar fuck!

Leave me alone, Luce.

And then, Samba put his phone back down. He didn't have the desire to deal with anything right now.

With a sigh he got himself comfortable again cuddled up under the covers with his head resting against Antonio's back. And within minutes, he was drifting back off into a peaceful slumber.

The cat is out of the bag. Or is it????

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