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The rest of the school week flew by peacefully.

Except ... Samba hadn't seen Lucario.

Hmm deja vu.

He must've stayed home the rest of the week. Poor kid. Antonio probably scared him shitless.

Speaking of the devil himself, Samba hadn't talked to him lately either. Not since that day.

Honestly, Sam didn't blame Luce for being scared. Because Samba had been scared and the damage wasn't even inflicted upon him.

Since that day, he couldn't help but to wonder if his precious Antonio had ever killed anyone.

Surely seeing that side of him did put a dent in their relationship. Sam tried to not make it obvious. Tried to not let it affect him. But he couldn't. His mind still ran through the moments of the day like they were playing out in front of him. He wasn't afraid of his friend. He was just ... hesitant to get closer.

"Are you hungry?" Antonio must've known that Sam was thinking about him because here he was in all of his handsome glory walking alongside Samba.

School had ended. And Samba wanted to walk to the local petstore so that he could get some more food for his fish and maybe splurge on some new toys and decor for the tank. Because his fish deserved to live lavishly. However, he had left before Antonio caught up to him because he just didn't want to be bothered. Nothing personal ... if you didn't count the fact that Antonio's aggressive alter-ego plagued his memories.

Samba shook his head.

"Okay. Well, I'm starving." Antonio seemed different. And while he didn't seem like scary Antonio (Samba hoped that he never saw that side again tbh), he didn't quite seem like the semi-normal Antonio he had come to know. "Sooo hungry ..." He rubbed his stomach dramatically.

The older was rather close to him, their shoulders damn near bumping each other. But Samba decided to just ignore it. Antonio often had moments where he was a bit more flirtatious and touchy than usual. It happened randomly too. Like a switch flipped. So Samba supposed that this was one of this moments.

"Ah, you're going to the petstore." He cooed and in response Samba nodded.

Together they entered the store. And while Samba appreciated the company, it definitely was a little unwarranted.

Antonio ended up going to Samba's house. And of course after entering the front door, they were bombarded with hugs from Mama Hirai. Of course both boys didn't mind.

"My my, Tonio. Every time I see you you seem to be getting bigger and more handsome. My son sure did bring around a good one." She teased as usual.

"Must be because of all the lovin and affection you're giving me, Mama Hirai." The older smiled, showing his eye smile as well. "I thrive off of your affection, you know."

"Oh stop." She blushed lightly before retreating back to the kitchen to grab her phone.

Samba noticed that she was dressed up. Adorned in a black tight dress that stopped at her knees and hugged her curvy figure. She left the kitchen again, joining the two boys in the living room. "Now, boys, behave yourselves. I'm going out. You guys both have my number so if something happens, don't hesitate to call me."

"Don't worry, Miss Hirai. I'll keep your son safe."

"Thank you, Tonio. Now, I'll be back tomorrow morning. No parties." She teased before kissing her son's head and then patting Antonio's shoulder. Then, she was gone.

Normally, Samba would've rejoiced about being all alone with Antonio. But right now, he wasn't quite sure how to feel. Sure, Antonio didn't seem like a threat at the moment. But he also didn't seem like a threat the day he took him along with him to hang out with Luce.

"We don't need a party anyways, Sammy. We can have fun all by ourselves." Sam looked at Antonio and smiled softly. He didn't miss the glint of mischief that twinkled in his eyes though.

'Of course.' Maybe he was just paranoid. Doing something would take his mind off of things. It was Friday and he didn't have any homework or tests to study for. Time to relax and unwind a little. 'Wanna play the game?'

"I'm always down to play with you. You already know that. Now let's go."

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