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Samba didn't mean to.

But he couldn't help but to smile upon seeing Lucario standing at the school entrance the next day.

He really wanted to scowl and ignore him. Continue to enter the school and converse with Antonio.

But he guessed that being happy to see Lucario wasn't bad.

'Hello- oh. What?' Samba couldn't even greet Lucario before he was pulled away from Antonio.

He casted the other a look before beginning to lead Samba away from him. And as he did, he could feel Antonio's gaze hunting him down.

"Hey babe. How are you? I don't think you should hang out with Antonio anymore. He gives me bad vibes."

What? This idiot couldn't be serious.

He ignores him for almost a whole day. And the first thing he has to say when they finally talk again is to not hang out with his friend.

The same one he practically grew up with.

Let's not forget how He completely ignored him to hang out with his cousin. Which for the record totally isn't his cousin.

What a fucking asshole.

Samba ripped his arm out of Luce's grasp and then glared rubber bullets at him.

"Look, don't look at me like that. I'm serious. I know sometimes I seem to be unreasonable, but I have reason this time. I don't trust him. And I know you do because the two of you are friends. But you have to listen to me."

'No I don't.' Samba shook his head and glanced back at Antonio who was smiling down at something on his phone.

Lucario was making him seem like he was some evil boy. But he wasn't. He was just a muscular jelly bear. All bark and no bite. Completely innocent.

'Maybe if you actually tried to get to know him instead of hating on him because he's my friend, you'd actually see that he's a nice guy who actually cares for me and wants to see me doing good.'

Lucario rolled his eyes. If only you knew what I knew.

"Sam, just lis-"

Before Lucario could finish, Samba was marching off, pulling Antonio behind him like he was a child who had just been caught talking to a stranger. And although Luce wanted to chase after him, he couldn't. He knew he had to wait for Sam to simmer down. Which ... Lord knows how long that'll take.

Lucario ran a hand through his hair and then casted one more glance at the retreating couple. And unfortunately, he didn't fail to notice the wicked smirk sent his way by the 'nice guy.'

"Fuck. I don't like this, man."


Fortunately, Lucario and Samba didn't share any of the same classes. So he didn't have to worry about seeing his stupid face. And he could focus on Antonio more without the older's jealousy fogging up his energy.

"Don't worry about him, Love. He'll come to his senses soon enough." Antonio had told them as they walked to their class together. And while Samba wanted to believe those words, he didn't.

What made Lucario say those things? Why was he so jealous? Well ... he had a reason to be jealous. But he couldn't exactly paint Antonio to be a bad person. Especially because Samba knew him a lot. And Luce knew him ... not a lot.

Antonio stepped to the side and ushered for Sam to enter first. The younger blushed a little and then entered the room after dipping his head in a small thanks. And then he made his way to his usual seat.

Samba didn't like how things had become between Luce and him. It was uncomfortable and unnecessary. It needed to be solved. But Lucario obviously wasn't gonna listen to him. Maybe if he could get him to meet Antonio, he'd see that he actually isn't that bad of a guy.

Yeah. That sounded like a plan.

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