Chapter 41: Incoming End-Game

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On June 23, in The Summer Solstice, Hadrian entered the Chamber in Black Manor. He stayed there kneeling with Ritual Clothes. The Chamber as a Candle lightning the Hall, He only stay silent until a giggling sound was heard make a shiver in his spine and yet he felt no fear only a comforted

"Death..." Hadrian spoke

"You call me, Young Master?" A Genderless voice echoed through the Chamber

Hadrian opened his eyes and saw a Hooded Figure in front of him make him smile, "Yes..."

"Why do you call me using Ritual? You can call me whenever you want, Young Master?" DEATH asked

"I have a proposition for you..." Hadrian give a gentle smile

Marvolo waited outside the Chamber Hall in worried silence, He worried that his Mate tried to call DEATH in ritual, It was different from his calling. When the person calls DEATH in ritual, DEATH will come of course but with price and when he asks in worry He didn't tell him anything except a smile on his face.

He snapback from reality when the door opened showing Hadrian come out with a satisfied gleam on his face

"I see that it goes really well..." Marvolo comment

Hadrian chuckled and kissed him, "Yes, My Beloved... Time to go to Work. Time to free the Suffering Soul..."

"As You Wish, My dear..." Marvolo kiss his knucle

They go into the Study Room in silence with Marvolo who has a Planned working in his mind with Hadrian who also has a Planned working in his mind, They closed the study room and began to plan. 

Dumbledore can not counter the Attack because all of the planned of his already got figured out by Hadrian and He attacks him first before he attacks, The Hogwarts Board has progressed to make him got fired from the Headmaster seat, the people didn't want to let their children go near Dumbledore after everything got exposed and published.

Oh, Hadrian can see his Anger. If he wants to declare war by bloodshed then he shall give it to Him because He did not fear Death. Death is in his Vein, Death is always supporting him. Dumbledore is a fool if he thinks he can defeat him in Battle.

The Elder Wand belongs to Peverell Blood and thus, It belongs to him but, Where is fun for him to steal the Wand from the Old Man without playing. He loves to play games after all.


Gellert Grindelwald...

The Most Terrifying Dark Lord after Lord Voldemort...

A Mass Murderer...


Those are the titles he got after killing a bunch of Muggles, He who got defeated by his Love, Albus Dumbledore. It was like a betrayal. Gellert Grindelwald often looks outside the Blue Sky from his Cage in Tower, It's already 50 years since he was locked in this Tower without anyone visiting him.

He locked inside the Small Room without a chance to get out and waited for Death to come to fetch him. Gellert wished just last time to see those beautiful Blue Sky eyes but he knows it was Impossible therefore he stays in there, In Silence without a Will to Live.

Gellert wishes that he can time travel to the past where he can ask for forgiveness and redo it over again. He will not kill the Muggle and Locked in this Caged Bird. He's become the Greatest Dark Lord in History because he is a Seer and his Mind who can manipulate the Word, He is dangerous indeed. Gellert lately has a vision of 2 Young Man who changed the world, One who is a Serpent and yet there is a Wolf in him and the Second person is a Lion, Serpent, Badger and Dragon who roar like a Mighty Beast with darkness lurking behind him protecting him.

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