Chapter 39: "Hail to the Wolf King"

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In June, The OWL Exam began. The Students was in busy preparing everything that they need with Hadrian who also help the students remembering everything until the Hall got opened showing a Big Clock in front of the Lineup Desk

"Be confident, Your Hard work will not betray you.." Hadrian declared with a firm and clear voice

They sit at the desk with the Quill in their desk, Hadrian picks 7 Subjects. Transfiguration, Charms, DADA, Potions, Herbology, Ancient Rune and History of Magic.

For a week, Hadrian was busy studying everything. He desired to have an O in his Report, He still talks with Marvolo every night with him and also has a NEWTs test at the end of June.

"Say, What do you all wish for after the OWL exam? I mean you can ask for an apprentice..." Hadrian asked his friends

"I want to become a Healer..." Hannah answered

"I think I can become like my Aunt..." Susan comment

"I can ask Madam Pomfrey..." Hadrian looked at Hannah who spluttered, "Come on. You have 3 years of study under Madam Pomfrey as Healer and when you graduate you can go into St.Mungo since she might have introduced you into the Healer Association..."

"I think.. I'm gonna take that offer..." Hannah said slowly

"Excellent..." Hadrian clap his hand

The Exam keeps continued for the month, Hadrian remembered when Marvolo and Lord Ragnarok conversation, It was official that Marvolo was crowned as a King but he was 17 years old and this year when he graduates from Durmstrang he was 18 years old with a Document from the School of him Graduate, therefore, Lord Ragnarok give him the Sword, He becomes a King as an Acting King only until he finished Durmstrange academy and come back to the British Soil.

He sighed wished that He can crown Marvolo and see him wear an Official Crown of Sigvard Royal Family of Germany and Sweden, Hadrian look outside the Great Hall window in the Lunch Break, tuning out the students moaning in repair for the Exam.

"If you want, You can go to hi, Your Grace..." Luna breaks his thought, "You are in trouble but I can see that you have a strong desire to see him, Look at the Kitaouji and Chavier Royal Family. They're gonna happily help you, Your Highness..."

"I didn't know what to do..." Hadrian said, clenching his hand, "We are Mate I mean when we touch the Banner of the Sigvard House, We are gonna be locked together.."

"You scared..." Luna looked at him who nodd, She huffed, "You don't need to be scared, Lord Ragnarok and Goblin Nation at the side of the Royal Family especially the German and Sweden Goblins... Go to him..."

The Exam was finished with the Students at the party especially the 5th Year and 7th Year. Hadrian can see the Twin try to flirt with Draco, He feels ease in his heart especially when the students are in relief that the stress week is finished. Hadrian walk to the Sirius Office

"Guys. Can I talk to you for a moment..." Hadrian peeked inside saw His godfathers in there

"Yes, Of course..." Remus let him inside

"What's wrong?" Sirius inquired in curious

"You know that Marvolo is going to graduate in the middle of June, right?" Hadrian asked to sit on the sofa and look at them who nodd, He shuffle nervously, "I want to engage with him..."

Sirius choked in his spit with Remus who gave a glint to his Godson, asked, "How?"

"I look at the Library, Soulmate Engagement differently especially the Royal Blood, The people who want to marry into the Royal House they need to get the approval of their House, therefore, Pendragon and Sigvard Royal House need to approve at each other..." Hadrian informed them, "But, In my case, I asked the Sigvard House approval first then Marvolo when I got crowned when I graduated from Hogwarts..."

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