Chapter 3:"Black Manor" [✔]

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Hadrian went to the Black Manor and knocked on the door only for it to open showing a House Elf.

"Mistress didn't have a Guest..." He said.

Hadriana smiled, "I'm Hadrian Lilian James Potter-Black. Heir of Black House..."

The Elf perked up, looking up at him and gave a bright smile, "Welcome Back, Young Heir..."

Hadrian smiled and entered the house and looked around, it was quite elegant. He welcomes the Magic of the Black family into his Core. He looked down at the Elf.

"Well, it's the first time I've been in the Wizarding World... I got sent to live with Muggle until now..." Hadrian said, Looking down at Elf, "What is your name?"

"I'm Krecher, Head Elf of Black House. Young Heir..." He burst into tears and made Hadriana flustered, "How could Young Heir being sent to filthy Muggles!"

"It's okay... I'm already back home now..." Hadrian hugg him make him burst more into Tear.

"Young Master is too kind... Krecher is touched" Krecher say sniffling

"Now, now... Let's not cry, How about you show me the House..." Hadrian suggested making Krecher give a beaming smile nodding, "Yes... Krecher will show Young Master the House!"

Hadrian already knew but it's better to know more about the House. When Krecher finished introducing the House to Hadriana they settled themselves in the living room to relax.

"Krecher... I have some rules..." Hadrian waited for the old house-elf to nod, "1. I don't want you or any other Elf in this house to blame or punish themself, 2. If there is a problem let's talk and solve the problem together, 3. All of the Elf in this house need to eat a proper meal, so make sure to inform the other Elf's to eat Nutritious food, 4. All of the Elves will need to be a Proper Black House Elf. which means I will order a Uniform with the Black family insignia on it, I don't want to see Black House Elves wearing Rags as Clothes, 5. Please treat me as a Friend and Family and I will also treat all of the House-elves as my Family and Friends. Understand?"

Krecher now had a tear come from his eyes and nodding his head in enthusiasm, "Yes! Young Master! Krecher will be telling the other Elves about this!"

Hadrian nodded in satisfaction, "I want to bring back the Black Family to its former Glory and to do that I need your help, Krecher..."

"Of course! Krecher will do anything the Young Master wants!" he responded.

Hadrian yawned giving a sleepy nod, "I will go to my bedroom to sleep..."

"Has a good sleep, Young Master.." Krecher popped out after giving the young master a bow.

He exhaled and went to the bedroom, There was a blue coloured bed with an accent of Elegant vines with a vintage wood bed frame.

it was still early at night but his body felt heavy from the busy day. Changing into pj's Hadrian shuffled over to the large bed and snuggled under the warm blankets and let the darkness engulfed him.


Hadrian woke up after a peacefully deep slumber, He looked outside the window to see the sun still hasn't risen yet. Getting out of bed he pulled on his robe and goes to the bathroom to wash.

He walked around the house until he arrived in the one room where many of the Portraits hung. Hadrian walked inside the room looking around until he halted in front of one particular portrait.

'Dorea Black...' Hadrian read looking at the Portrait of a Woman, 'My grandmother...'

"Hello..." Hadrian calls her.

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