Chapter 36: "The Trial"

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The Lords of the Houses in Britain Wizarding world got an urgent call on this morning, especially when Madam Bones who call them, it was regarding the Extinct Noble House of Yaxley. This make the Lords of the Houses goes into the Wizengamot, Dumbledore didn't have any power in the Wizengamot because that he already got scorned and suspicious by the Media. 

"Lord Malfoy, Lord Black..." Lord Nott greet his Friends

"Lord Nott..." Lucius greet him along with Sirius as they walk into the Elevator, the moment they enter the Elevator alone they drop their formality

"Did you know what happened to call an Urgent Wizengamot Meeting?" Theodore Nott inquired glance at the Two Lords beside him, "Why do I have a feeling that it is connected to you guys."

Sirius give a crack of a grin, "Oh, Do not worry, You gonna have the most epic of the scene."

Theodore Nott narrowed his eyes before glancing at Lucius who only stay quiet with his usual Malfoy Manner Coldness before he exhaled, shaking his head internally. They get out of the Elevator enter the Wizengamot meeting, they sit in their Chair while greeting some of the Members of the Wizengamot.

The Meeting began with the Calling Order from Madam Bones, Sirius can see Hadrian, Fred and George in the spectator seat with Marvolo in his Royal House seat line looking down to the Houses. Dumbledore has a wary look stole a glance at Hadrian who smile angelically.

"I have been called all of the Lords in this Urgent Trial because of a certain Trials." Madam Bones started, "I just got news from Lord Ragnarok of Gringotts that the Extinct most Noble and Ancient House of Yaxley has been revealed. One of the Noble House of the Sacred 28."

This got a murmur and whisper among each other, they heard that Noble and Ancient House of Yaxley almost goes extinct in Male Line. Madam Bones glaring at Dumbledore who was stiff and wary, She is believe in Justice and yes, she know that the Government is corrupted and rotten to death but what this person did will and never forgive, kidnapping Twin Children and killed their parents.

Madam Bones took a deep breath look at Dumbledore, "Albus Dumbledore, Did you have something to tell us, Wizengamots member?"

Albus clench his hand inside of his sleeve, He took his Grandfatherly smile, "I don't know what you are talking about, Amelia."

"It's Madam Bones to you." She hissed in narrowed eyes before straightening her suit and state in Cold Voice, "It's about what you did regarding the Male Children of Yaxley."

"Are you saying that I kidnapped the Children of Yaxley and make the Yaxley Family gone into Extinct?" 


There was a gasp and whisper and murmur among the Crowd, the Media took picture of this. Marvolo has his head in his knuckle leaned at his seat looking down at them with his Cold Eyes and Emotionless expression.

"Albus Dumbledore you are arrested for Kidnapping the Twin Children of the Yaxley, Put a Compulsion and Illegal Potions-" She halted for a second before speaking with suppressing anger, "and put a magic block in them."

Dumbledore has suppressed anger, Hadrian look from the audience seat as he saw and felt a Tainted dark Miasma of Magic that make his skin prickling and his magic growling at the Impurity of Magic. He has a bunch of the feelings slammed into him, especially when he can see the Journalist has those hungry eyes- and eyes that like a shark hunting them down until know the truth and published it to the Public.

What a scary power Media is and Hadrian can use that power at the tip of his finger.

"Now, Now, Let's don't be hasty. You can't accuse me of kidnapped the Children of the Yaxley when I don't know anything about it, besides, isn't when the Auror need to arrest, they should have the Evidence?" Dumbledore inquire with slight Craziness in those eyes

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