Chapter 28:"3rd Year"

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 The Sun was blazing in the Blue Sky. The Wing breeze makes the lust garden feel so comfy. It was Summer Season...

A young man was seen in the Garden, He has beautiful Silky Black Hair in the middle of his Back length tied in braids. He has a startling Lust Emerald Eye that seems like a Gem that will never be found in the Wizarding World or in the Muggle World. He has Pale Milky Snowy Skin.

The Young Man has a fit and slender body. He wears simple thin White/Silver Tuni clothes with black trousers.

He is seen crouching down in the Garden tending the Plant and Flower there until someone comes to him. He has Wavy Short Brown Hair with one side of his fringe covering his forehead and the other side of his fringe swipe into the side of his head.

He has an Icy Blue Eye with a Crimson Shade, A High cheekbone and a sharp Jaw with a Sharp Nose. He wears simple Thin Black Tunic clothes and Silver trousers.

The Handsome Man come to the Young Man who still hasn't noticed his presence until he touches his shoulder make the Young Man stiffen but relaxed look at the Man who has a Fond Expression

"What are you doing outside here? It's Hot.." He says to the Young Man who leaned at his touch

"I'm Tending the Herb... Some of them are already blooming fruit, Need to get tended..." He answers

"Well then, Perhaps Sirius will be happy to let his Godson come to eat Lunch now, My Dear Hadrian..." The Man says to the Young Man who is named Hadrian

Hadrian chuckled and took off the Glove standing up, "Come on then..."

The Man was named Marvolo, He looked at his Soulmate who was in Relax. Marvolo followed him to the Black Mansion, No matter how many times he dreamed of it, He always had gratitude for Hadrian. He dreamed of having this kind of Sensation

No Burden...

They are content with what happened now and they will crave it in their Soul, Hadrian and Marvolo didn't know what to say since next year does not quite have any Event but hopefully There is nothing happened in the Next Year.

Hadrian was busy with his Potion Making, especially his Elixir, A lot of Healers want the Elixir and so He earned quite a bunch of money.

"Next Year... What gonna happen?" Hadrian ask

They are sitting in the Marvolo Study Room, He, unfortunately, had a lot of Gala and Marriage proposals that he refused politely but bluntly. Some of them didn't believe that Hadrian and Marvolo engage with each other because they haven't told the public about this.

"Hm... I don't know, what do you think?" Marvolo ask

"In my previous life, Azkaban got a breakout and at that time it was Sirius who broke out to get revenge on Peter Pettigrew" Hadriana responded to him, "What do you think is gonna happen this time?"

Marvolo only Hummed, Hadrian blink looked at him and asked, "Have you thought what are you gonna do with your Wizengamot Seat?"

"What is wrong with my Seat?" Marvolo ask

"I mean.. You are Gaunt, You have Slytherin and Ravenclaw Seat. The highest Seat also Sigvard Seat in there..." Hadrian said

Marvolo smirks," Say, Have you ever wanted to work together with Dolores Umbridge?"

A sudden Shiver in his spine, Hadrian suddenly remember her torture of her using those Quill, An Occlumency Torture, A Blood, A pain in his Arm and hand-make his chest contrasted in pain

"Hadrian! Hadrian!" A Voice break his Panic though made him gasp and saw a worried Crimson Eye, "What happened?"

Hadrian notice his hand was trembling and he was wheezing, He leaned at him said in a shaky voice, "No, Don't her... I don't want to see her..."

Burn to flame and Reborn from the Ashحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن