Part 173: An electrifying conclusion

Start from the beginning

They glared at Wally.

"Don't you dare mock us!" One Elder raised a gun.

Wally knocked it out of his hand before he could even blink.

"Still, he's not asking us," Shine said, "You'll have to answer." She looked at Shigaraki. "I'd consider your words carefully. They'll twist whatever you say, so you need to really know what you mean."

Might as well ask a fish to fly. Shigaraki never knew what he really meant.

But in this case, he thought the answer was clear enough. These guys were pathetic.

"The LOV doesn't need to worry about kowtowing to you," he said loftily, "You're already going down. You can't even defeat the heroes without our help. I'll tell you why we're here, to ensure you never bother us ever again." 

He smirked very unsettlingly.

The High Father spat at him, literally. "You son of the devil!" He was mad now. "All of you, how dare you come here and try to overturn us? We've been around for decades! We've fought for the Liberation of the oppressed people all over the world, and you just feed into it. You support it! We offered you a way to actually make a difference in this world, and you just want to destroy it! This is why, Tomura Shigaraki, you will never amount to anything but a tragic footnote in history! You and your despicable, pathetic League of Villains! People will remember us! You won't stop us just with this paltry attack! We'll be back."

Smoke began to billow over the ground--might have been none of the Elder's quirks.

Wally ran in a quick circle and dissipated it. The Elders were going to vanish into it, but now they were just at awkward angles. 

They were not happy. 

"You clown!" the High Father yelled, "All of you! Smaller, corrupt perversions of society."

He shot out his wires before anyone realized he was doing it--they were hard to see--and latched onto Shigaraki before he could move.

"You think you've won! But you won't leave this island alive if it's the last thing we do!" High Father was livid now.

Pain seared over Shigaraki...and he normally didn't react to pain, but the meta ability of the High Father made it 100x more effective than normal.

Mirko angrily jumped forward. One of the elders shot out something, like a cloud that became solid. It hooked her and yanked her back, slamming her into the wall of the fortress.

Hawks flew up, and the 2nd Elder lifted his cloak and a swarm of...hornets? Giant ones flew up and surrounded him.

The 3rd Elder held up his hands and energy circles appeared on either side. Wally suddenly felt sleepy.

Shine slashed her sword through the circle.

The four Elders shot some kind of ball of energy or mass at the ground at her feet, and a void just appeared there.

Shine almost fell into it, but she caught herself with her sword, surprisingly.

The Elder stood over her. "It would be so easy to just make another hole, but I think this will be more fun." This was the only female one. She moved her foot to shove Shine off her sword.

Her sword itself seemed to gleam, and the woman suddenly yanked her foot back like it was burned.

Wally moved and grabbed Shine's arm, yanking her out, before the 3rd elder could form more circles.

Wally ducked and pulled a sword out of nowhere. "Think I'll need this instead of speed--you're right, Sunshine."

Shine smiled. "I gotta help Shigaraki. I'll be back."

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