Mother and Son

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[We open to see Arkham Asylum I'm all it's glory. A flash of lightning appears and we zoom in on Ethan who looks at the Asylum with discomfort. Ethan then walks inside.]

Ethan: Hi I'm here to see a Harleen Quinzel.

Receptionist: Relation to the patient.

Ethan: She's my mother.

"His mother is Harley Quinn" Kate Kane states in shock.

"Yeah. Her and Thawne fell in love about 7 years after Joker died." Ryan said.

"Jokers dead?" Luke Fox asked.

"He was killed by Batman." Ryan said.

"Batman's real?" Tommy asked.

"Yep." Older Thea said.

[The receptionist looked up from her desk at Ethan. She just stared for a few seconds.]

Receptionist: (Whispers) Dear god.

Ethan: I get that a lot.

[A guard led Ethan to Harley's cell. On the way they run in to someone Ethan knows and cares about.]

???: Hello, my darling nephew.

Ethan: Hi auntie Ivy.

[ They continue to walk till they reach a cell. The cell has the name 'Harleen Quinnzel'.]

Ethan: Hi mom.

Harley: Baby. How ya been.

Ethan: I'm good. How are you doing.

Harley: I'm great. I've been waiting for my release in a month.

Ethan: Yeah I heard you're 'cured' now.

Harley: Yeah. I get to finally go home.

Ethan: And I can't wait for you too.

Harley: How's your father?

Ethan: He's set to be executed in 3 days.

Harley: You visit him.

Ethan: Yeah. Just did.

Harley: You may not believe me but, he cares about you and me. He does whether you believe it or not.

Ethan: It's hard to believe when he walked out on us when I was a baby. He left you and me with barley anything. While you were still wanted.

Harley: Maybe, but you can't hold a grudge against him forever. He's your father whether you like it or not.

Ethan: I know but, how do I forgive the man who left me and you. The man who started hating Barry Allen just because he stole his thunder in saving people that he caused harm to. He hated him so much for that one thing that he killed Nora Allen. An innocent woman just trying to help her son grow.

"T-That's why he k-killed my m-mom and framed my dad?" Barry said in tears.

"Yes. Quoting Batman himself 'He's a classic sociopath'." Ryan said. Ryan had witnessed many universes with many Reverse Flashes. "But you have nothing to worry about. You catch him. He spends 7 years in jail and is sentenced to death in 3 days from the point we're on in this window into the future."

Barry sighs in relief knowing his mom's murder will be brought to justice.

Harley: I know. He's crazy.

Ethan: You really know how to pick 'em don't you. First the Joker then Dad.

Harley:(Chuckles) Yeah. That's true.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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