Meta- Kryptonian

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[The screen lights up to show Alura standing in front a hologram of her father and mother smiling.There's a flash behind her. She turns to see her boyfriend Ethan]

Ethan: I see your here again.

Alura: Yep.

Ethan: Your down here more often than before.

Alura: I just miss 'em.

Ethan: You think they'd like me.

Alura: They would love you.

Ethan: Even if they knew who my father was.

"Who is his father." Barry asked.

"You'll see." Ryan said

Alura: Hey those were his mistakes not yours.

Ethan: I know it's just after what he did... I just don't know.

Alura: I'm sure they wouldn't care.

Ethan: You can't be sure. Your father would probably hate me just for the fact that my father killed his mother.

"His father killed my mom?" Barry asked shocked.

"Yes." Ryan said.

"What's his fathers name?" Barry asked angrily.

"His real name is Eobard Thawne but, you would know him as Harrison wells." Ryan said.

"That's impossible. Dr. Wells would never do that." Caitlin defended.

" The real Harrison Wells wouldn't do it but, The one that stole his life for the past 13 years would." Ryan said.

[Alura looked at Ethans dejected form. She put her hand on his cheek making him look up.]

Alura: Ethan, don't beat yourself up. Stop thinking of Eobard. I don't see Eobard Thawne I see Ethan Thawne.

[Ethan looked up with a slight smile. He grabbed onto Alura's face with both of his hands and kissed her hard. They separate and look at each other with love in their eyes.]

Ethan: I love you Alura Nora Zor-Allen.

Alura: And I love you Ethan Thawne.

[The couple kiss again full of passion and love.]

"They really love each other don't they?" Barry asked.

"Yeah they do." Older Thea said.

"Even though I don't know my daughter yet if he makes her happy than who am I to hate him just for his heritage." Barry said.

Older Roy smiled. "I'm glad you realized that. I didn't want to hit you over the head for that."
Authors Note:

I wanted to really quickly say that if you want a specific character from the show or one of their children you can request them to be showed more often.

Also do you want me to have some other DC properties added to the story or not.

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