Fire & Ice

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[The scene changes to a girl shooting ice shards at multiple targets.]

Thomas off screen: Woah. What's got you all upset about.

[Amelia stops firing ice shards and turns to look at her brother. When she turn Thomas knew something was up.]

Thomas: What happened?

Amelia: This whole thing with Damien Darhk back and all it's just frustrating. Oliver killed him. Now we have to deal with him again. The only good thing is that we know everything about him when he knows nothing about us.

Thomas: I get your frustration but, you have nothing to worry about. Now I know that there is something else bothering you. Come on spit it out.

Amelia: In all honesty I'm scared Thomas.

Thomas: About what specifically?

Amelia: You know what.

[Thomas smiles.]

Thomas: Sis you have nothing to worry about. The date will go fine.

"What date? Ronnie asked. "Who is she dating."

"Wow. Did just turn into a protective father?" Cisco asked amused.

"So what if I did? I have right to know." Ronnie stated.

"Well you have nothing to worry about Ronnie. Your daughter is dated a very nice young man." Ryan said.

"Who is she dating? I want to know." Caitlin spoke up.

"She's dating one Dante Ramon II." Ryan said. Ronnie and Caitlin looked at Cisco as he looked at them.

Ryan let out a little chuckle at the situation.

"Well at least I know he was raised right." Ronnie said with a smile.

Amelia: You don't know that. What if I make a fool of myself?What if I say something stupid? What if we have to leave early because If a meta or an alien or anything for that matter?

Thomas: You've thought on this a lot, haven't you?

Amelia: Yeah, It's been going through my mind for hours bro.

Thomas: Everything will be fine sis, all you need to do is be yourself. You forget Dante's my best friend. He likes you for you. Not because of your meta abilities but because of your personality.

Amelia: Thanks Bro. I really needed that.

Thomas: Anytime Sis. I'll always be here for you.

[Thomas walks closer to Amelia and pulls her into a hug.]

Thomas: I will alway be here for you.

Amelia: I'll be here for you too.

"They have a great sibling relationship." Iris commented.

"They really do. They are a force to be reckoned with." Older Thea said knowing how powerful they are.

Authors Note:

Sorry for not posting for a while. I was catching up with school work and testing. I will update this book more.

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