Chapter 8

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Rias has been getting none stop nightmares about the animatronics to the point where she stopped sleeping her peerage had tried to Comfort her but to no avail.

She locked herself in her room and the only time she came out was to eat akeno took position as leader until rias can recover but surprising the only person not listening to her was issei he spent day and night talking to rias through her door they would take for hours on end it was sweet really.

Issei: so rias when will you come back?

Rias: I- I don't know... I'm to scared to think about returning to school knowing that she is the reason why I'm getting these nightmares.

Issei: well let's change the topic, How do you take a shower. Is there like, a shower in your room?

He had a perverted smile thinking about rias naked body.

Rias: yes there is. Why?

Issei: no reason.

Akeno yelled down the hall "Issei! We have a stray to kill!"

Issei: Coming! I'll be back rias. Please come out.

He got up from the floor and walked away leaving rias alone for the time being.

Rias: these nightmares I hate them!

She slump down onto the floor and weeped "why do I deserve this" she laid her head down against a shelf her eyes got heavy and she closed them.

She opened them and was in some kind of bed room.

She opened them and was in some kind of bed room

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She heard this sound playing and was confused she looked into her hand and had a flashlight and a.... Note?

She read it and it said "these nightmares aren't just to scare you. It's for you to understand, what happened those years ago, To us. You may know that the puppet is our master and she was killed by the evil man. You know everything that has happened to all of us. The pain, the agony, our suffering. We want you to help us. Save us, Set us free. But I have different ideas. I want you to face your nightmares. Head on."

Rias: what...

She looked up with the flashlight and saw a hole in the ceiling. To her left and right were doors and behind her a bed.

She heard walking outside the left door she went up to hit and turned on her flashlight she screamed at the monster she saw she jumped back and fell over and the flashlight rolled away she looked up and saw the blue rabbit but more... nightmarish.


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