Chapter 3

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Freddy dragged raynare's body all the way to the pizzeria where he stuffed her body in a suit.

Puppet: god job my child, you need some rest now. You must be tired.

Freddy walked to the stage where Bonnie and chica were standing.

He got in the middle the puppet decided that all was not done but that would have to wait she went into the kitchen and into her music box.

Rias and akeno woke up with the others around them.

Rias: what.. happened.

Issei: we found you on the roof of a building where a yellow bear was sitting down he didn't even move he just sat there... it was creepy.

Kiba: yeah it was, he didn't even stop us he just let us take you both.

Kenoko: it was most disturbing.

Akeno: well we learned somethings.

Kiba: which is?

Rias: there are robots. Robots that are filled with rage.

Issei: well we kinda figured that out when we saw that yellow bear.

Akeno: you don't understand. There was this puppet thing and a brown bear. It attacked raynare and killed her.

Kiba: oh shit.

Asia walked into the room.

Asia: oh she's finally awake I was so worried about you guys.

Rias: it's all fine now.

Asia: so what happened?

They explained what happened and Asia was just blank and started to cry.

Issei: Asia...

Asia: *sniff* sorry just... old memories.

Kenoko: your hiding something. And I bet it has something to do with those robots.

Asia: fine! Yes. I know about them.

Rias: I demand to know what it is. It could lead us to what these things are.

Asia: well... this is hard to talk about... but I'll try.

Asia: I had a sister her name was Susie. She was the best.

She started to cry.

"Susie was found dead... dead inside the robot chicken named chica. 5 other body's were found in the robots. The place was abandoned after that."

Rias: I have a theory. This might sound crazy, but there was a puppet who referred to the brown bear as "her child" so what if the souls of those kids possess the robots. And the puppet is there mother.

Akeno: that.. actually makes sense.

The lights of the club room start flickering and music started to play

Issei: this is the part where I shit my pants.

Rias: who's there! I demand you to show yourself!

The lights blew and it was dark.

They heard metal foot steps and someone or thing saying "dum dum dum" the lights turned back on and issei vomited on the floor and the others were terrified.

On the table sat 2 Freddy fazbear suits with blood and eyes popping out.

And written in blood said "welcome home"

Rias: Asia... you need to tell us where this abandoned place is.

Asia: it's the building across the street.

Rias: good. It's time we pay a visit to these robots.

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