Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Naruto just finished his morning training and decided to rest for a moment. He look at the pond beside the tree he was leaning and saw a scar on his right from his chin to his shoulder (ban's scar)n He then remembered the day after he finally master the Flying Thunder God and He and Raphael had a talk after meeting his last living relative who was blackmailed of being a missing-nin by Jiraiya by the orders of Sarutobi.


" Jiji, I'm here" Naruto spoke, " Ah my boy, good. Now you might be wondering why I brought you here, the reason is to introduce you to your last living relative, my student and one of the Sannin, Tsunade Senju." Sarutosbi spoke while pointing to Tsunade " Well nice to meet you brat " Tsunade spoke " Hello I'm Uzumaki Naruto, nice to meet you ma'am" Naruto replied politely. " Well at least you know your manners kid" Tsunade spoke while patting Naruto's head " Well that's because I don't want to be the one sent flying because of your punch now wouldn't I?" Naruto asked. Tsunade's eyebrows are twitching because of the boy's reply while Jiraiya is now pale remembering the time Tsunade punched him flying across Konoha while Sarutobi is just smiling at the conversation. "Well since it's the first time the both of you met together why not invite her my boy to the Uzumaki compound to get to know each other" Sarutobi suggest which both of them agreed and exits the office to the compound. Now alone with Jiraiya, Sarutobi asked Jiraiya how did it go during the search for Tsunade, " Well she's not happy that I was looking for her, and to fuel to the flame she's more pissed when I asked her to come home. She denied it again and again so I leave her be and just ask her tomorrow. The cycle continues for three days, I ask her and she denied it. But on the fourth day I told her about Naruto and to my surprise she doesn't even care, at least that's what it seems to me at first so I got mad and lose all cool and almost punched her." Jiraiya spoke which makes Sarutobi surprised that Jiraiya almost punched Tsunade but remain his composure. " After which I just left to cool off, I know Tsunade is surprised because she almost tear up after I almost punched her, but Shizune who is with her at the time came to me and explained to me that it's not that she doesn't care, it's because she's scared that she'll lose him too and she'll lose herself more than it is if she even tried to bond with Naruto, which is a very stupid reason. So I left to cool myself again because I can feel the rage inside me again. The next day I went to apologize to her and gave her the scroll with your order. At first, she thinks that it's a bluff so I left without saying a word. Then before I exited the town she came to me asking for answers, I simply told her that everything inside the scroll is true and if she didn't return she will be banished from Konoha and be labeled missing-nin. " Jiraiya continued while Sarutobi is listening looking at the village " So, what happened next?" Sarutobi asked. "She asked me why now, I replied because Naruto needs his last living relative and Konoha needs her back, the time of her mourning is over and it's time to move on, you have one last family left to be there for him. And this surprisingly makes sense to her and agreed to came back. During our time traveling back,  she asked me about Naruto and I told her everything I know so far and for the first time in 20 years, I finally saw her gave a genuine smile. " Jiraiya finished which makes Saruto smile. " Thank you, Jiraiya, because to be honest, I have a feeling I won't last long in this world." Sarutobi replied which makes Jiraiya serious " What do you mean sensei?" Jiraiya spoke," It's just that I have a feeling that I'll die soon. And I won't be able to continue protecting Naruto, at least you and Tsunade is here to continue it." Sarutobi replied. " You're just overreacting sensei" Jiraiya joked which make Sarutobi chucked "Well I'm off for research," Jiraiya said while climbing the window.

After leaving the office Tsunade and Naruto traveled to the Uzumaki compound while Naruto is telling everything to Tsunade, his childhood, his days at the Academy, how he keep beating the last Uchiha which made Tsunade proud to see one of the last living Senju beating the last Uchiha. Shizune seeing the interaction between Tsunade and Naruto makes her tear up. After 20 minutes of walking they arrived at the Uzumaki compound, Naruto tells Tsunade his training, and Tsunade is surprised how hard he is training for such a young age. " Well after I got my certification of being a seal master I'm now going to attempt to recreate and master the flying thunder god and actually thinking of recreating also the seal on your forehead since I read that you can only do that If you have a near-perfect chakra control I want to try it since I have perfect control of my chakra," Naruto told Tsunade which surprises her because not only the flying thunder god is really hard to recreate but the seal on her forehead is much harder. But seeing the determination on his face Tsunade suggest training him to which he agreed immediately hugging Tsunade in the process. This surprises Tsunade but reciprocates, Shizune witnessing the interaction is now full-on crying which makes both Tsunade and Naruto sweatdropped.

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