Season 1: Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I suddenly remembered that I had put the scroll in my clothes pocket! I can use that now in case the kidnappers fight us.

I immediately opened the scroll and I was amazed because there were different spells placed there. There is also a movement where you need to memorize to master the spell.

To my great delight, I couldn't help but shout. Alexis noticed me but I ignored him and continued reading the scroll. Instead of interfering with what I was doing, he chose to practice a little with his sword. Unlike the others, Alexis used two swords.

Anyways, back to learning the spells. I focused my aura on my hand and thought of an electric current similar to tazer. I saw tiny sparks forming that eventually got bigger and bigger.

Woah, I can't believe I can produce lighting on my own! I can use it on both offense and defense. With the lightning that strikes them, they become paralyzed at the same time that can take damage from it.

So can use lightning now. Next is to control it, release a larger amount of Mana and unleash it on the target!

Because the lightning is powerful when it strikes, the wall has been shattered that creates a hole for us to exit. Because of this massive explosion, it triggered the security alarm.

"What was that explosion?" Alexis asked in shocked

"No time for that, we got to move out!" I said and grab his hands while running away

I use Fyon so that I could see a hidden trap that may catch us again.

As expected, they were.

"Can you use Fyon?" I asked while we're still on the run


"Use it so you can see the traps and evade it"

Together, we evade all the traps while running at full speed. My stamina now is much better because of the whole week of training. I'm amazed that I could catch up with Alexis.

We're running until we reached the path where there were no traps. I started to catch my breath slowly and I catch Alexis staring at me.

"How come you could run like a horse?"

"Shut up," I said and ignore him

Horse? How dare he mock me? Can you say something meaningful next time, Alexis?

He's looking at my hand and I realized that I was still holding his hands all the time! I quickly release my grip to his hands. Now he's staring at me again.

"What?" I asked in irritation

"Nothing" he replied and looked in another direction


"Can you use your Kon?"


"Use it, so that the enemy can't sense us"

Once again, I pulled out the scroll in my pocket. I looked at it and saw a spell.

This is perfect.

I focused on releasing my aura to surround the whole place so that I could sense all the people present in this building.

"Mana Zone!" I chanted as I released a powerful aura to surround the whole place

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