Season 1: Chapter 19

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Knight Cedric's POV

"Where's my lady?"

I immediately looked at John when he suddenly spoke. But, there is nothing to worry about because the young lady is with Ivan and Rence in the back.

"The lady is not here!"

I was alarmed and looked back. The lady is really gone!

I saw all the knights and they seemed terrified. It was also there that my fears began to form.

We're not afraid that we lose the lady but, if we failed to protect her, our lives is in danger! Those two.... The sons of a devil will torture us to death!

"Hurry, search for the lady!" Jared shouted anxiously

"We must find the lady no matter what, my family's lives are on the line!" Rence said in fear

"Please... We have to find my lady if not.... THEN IT'S OVER!"

We are all terrified because of the possible outcome. We were just a knight that is easily been thrown out if the nobles didn't need us. We are just a pawn...

"Knights! We need to calm down" I said

As their leader, I should calm them down and think of a strategy.

"Y-Yes, commander!" they responded in loud voice

At least it helps them calm a little bit.

"First, I need to know how the lady got out of your sight. Ivan and Rence! "

"Yes, commander!" they both uttered

"You two should be placed behind my lady's back, right?"

"Y-Yes, but I thought that the lady was in your front and I don't see her in our front. " answered by Rence

"I'm in the same situation as Rence, commander! We didn't see the the lady in our front and I didn't know that the lady should be in our front either"

This is bad... It's because of the negligence of Ivan and Rence. How do we find where the lady go? Or should we report it to the young masters? We should create an alibi. The lady must've ran away from us because she doesn't want our escorting.

What will we do? Find her or take the risk of telling it to the young masters. But the Duchess will be very mad at us, I clearly remembered the three heads that she throws in Duke's direction.

"It's the Duke carriage!"

We were astonished when we the the Duke's carriage passing by. Suddenly, the carriage stopped in front of us.

"What are the Ducal knights doing here?" the Duke's attendant said

I gulped and sighed to before answering.

"Lady Adelaide ran away from us and now we can't find her." I said while trying not to shiver

"Is that so?"

We all flinched when we heard the voice of the Duke. Who the hell wouldn't flinch in his voice?

"Y-Yes, your highness" I replied

"Return to the mansion. There's no chance of finding her if she went in her own. That girl is very cunning, no one can find her unless she reveal herself. She's a strong girl after all, if anything happens she'll come back by herself."

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