Season 1: Chapter 10

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This is the day when my mom will teach me how to use my magic. It's been three days since Alexis came into our house. Anyways I just learned that a spellcaster needs a lot of Mana.

Mana is the start of all power. It's is the scale on how much power you can release. Without it, you can't do any magic.

"Just imagine a jar and water. The jar represents you while the water is your Mana. If it's full, then your power is strong but it's also reduced and become empty. People have different quantities or how much Mana they have inside them. Just like a jar, the jar comes of different sizes and shape, like the uniqueness of every magicians" mom explained

Mana is essential especially in magic, so Mana quantity is important to a magician. Mom also said that a spellcaster needs to acquire a grimoire. The grimoire is a book-like figure that contains all the spells that a spellcasters made themselves.

Looks like I need to work hard for that grimoire, mom said that the grimoire is acquired not received.

"Listen carefully, Adel. Spells are hard to acquire rather than grimoire. When you already have your own spell, your grimoire will follow. The more spell you have, the more powerful you've become. But, you will also remember that spells is the only thing you have to survive in battle. You must better know the possibilities and limits of your spells as well as your strength and weaknesses." Mom explained

Mom said that the power of spellcasters are limited but powerful. Spellcasters are rare magicians because they can have two or more magic affinity than a normal magicians. Normal magicians and also called 'wizards' are usually using one affinity. Magic affinities are fire, water, air, earth and many more. Wizards don't have a grimoire since their spells are most limited than spellcasters.

For example, a wizard have a water affinity, and she can only use water spells while spellcasters, on the other hand, can use water, air or fire simultaneously according to their power.

Mom also explain the abilities that a person can have. When a person successfully controls her mana, she will then release an aura. An aura is a visible energy that gives a person a supernatural power. It enhances the skills of every magicians. And also, a magicians only acquired one type of aura.

There are four types of Auras; Taira, Genra, Ninra and Elera. Taira is an enhanced aura that strengthen a magician's body. It is the most common type of aura. Mom is a Taira user. She trained her body that makes her body a steel-type structure. When she was in a war, arrows can't scratch her and a normal sword will break if you strik it to her. That is a power of a Taira user. But Taira user can only strengthen herself, it can't strengthen someone or something.

Second is Genra. Genra is an enhanced aura that used to trick someone's eyes, or it can make a person hallucinate. A Genra user must have a greater imagination, it can also used for mental torturing. Only rare people have a Genra ability. The power of it relies on a user's mental stability, when a user is mentally unstable, the magic that the user's used will strike back to him instead of the enemy. It is called "Boomerang effect". Father is a Genra user, beside of Mon's ability in his eyes, he can create his own space to attack his opponents mentally.

A space is a virtual place that a person's imagination creates. It is used by Genra users.

Third is Ninra, it is an enhanced aura that manipulates the things that the user wanted to. Levitation, Beast taming, and Psychics are related to this aura. Several magicians has this aura type and it's quite useful. Not only that you can control the things in your surroundings but you can take advantage of the distance given. But the user can manipulate anything but not himself. Neron and Arthur are Ninra users.

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