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Luke ;;

Luke; guys help

Calum; with what

Mikey; we aren't going to give you a handjob god Luke

Luke; go suck a dick Michael, I need help with Ashton

Calum; why...?

Luke; He's just so wonderful and amazing and for the past 4 nights I facetimed him till like 4 in morning and just Calum help I'm starting to feel feelings


Mikey; just fuck him already smh

Luke; ... I'm working on it

Calum; just let it happen

Calum; Ashton likes dick almost as much as you do so there's a 137% he'll fall in love with you

Luke; don't give me false hope Column.

Calum; and also for as long as I've known Ashton he doesn't stay up past 12 and well 4 is like 3 hours after midnight

Mikey named the conversation "Lashton 4lyfe <33".

Mikey; but fr Luke have u seen urself ur hot as hell if he doesn't fall in love with u then I will

Calum; um excuse you, your boyfriend will not approve of that

Mikey; eh ur getting boring anyways

Luke named the conversation "Malum drama :O".

Mikey; shut up Luke.

Calum; fuck you Michael, I don't like you

Mikey; shut up I'll give you a blowjob later you ass

Calum; only a blowjob? I'm disappointed

Luke; stop stop stop

Calum; oh right this is a groupchat

Luke; now onto more important matters

Mikey; hey boring boyfriend, maybe if we talk dirty to each other itll give Luke some inspiration ;))

Calum; if you want to have sex just say so

Mikey; I want your dįck so far up my ass that you're balls deep.

Luke; that was so blunt it got me high

Calum; fuck I'll be over in 5

Calum left the conversation.

Mikey; jfc he was serious

Mikey; hell yes I'm getting laid

Mikey left the conversation.

Luke just stared at his phone.

He started the goddamn groupchat to get advice on what to do, not witness Malum sexy time.

He sighed and opened up safari, he felt like a teenage girl with a crush.

Luke sighed again before typing 'how to tell a guy you like him' in the Google search engine.

He scrolled through the options before exiting off it and scoffing to himself, "What the fuck am i doing, I'm a 17 year old guy, I can do this." Whispering it over and over to himself.

"Now I'm talking to myself, awesome."

And then when an incoming FaceTime call came in from Ashton, Luke's self-pep talk went out the window and that was when he knew he was completely screwed.

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