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Luke ;;

"Michael, I think I'm dying."

Michael gave him a weird look before grinning, "My dream is finally coming true!"

"Alright asshole, you can just leave my house and forget about me buying you pizza."

A small pout formed on Michael's face, "Fuck off Luke, don't take away my pizza privileges!"

Luke shoved his phone in Michael's face, "Look at his face. Look at how attractive he is, his name is Ashton. ASHTON."

"I'd definitely suck his dick."

"Remember who has the boyfriend here," Luke scoffed, "Where is Column anyways?"

"Calum is with his sister, she came back from college early so he's bonding with her." Michael told him flipping through channels.

Luke let out a laugh, "Remember when you had a crush on Mali? And now you're dating her brother, how scandalous."

"Shut up Luke."

Ashton; did you hear about the race between the lettuce and the tomato?

Luke; what?

Ashton; the lettuce was a head and the tomato was trying to ketchup!

Luke; and u call my jokes dumb, ok

Ashton; because they are

Luke; me and Mikey used to have a dog named Ketchup! but then Mikey lost him :((

Luke; [picture attached] look how cute he is

Ashton; oh um cute?

Luke; I know, Michael is an asshole

"Why are you calling me an asshole?" Michael scoffed, offended.

"Why are you reading my texts?" Luke replied tilting his phone away from him.

"You know," Michael started "Calum talks about an Ashton a lot, he's like his best friend I guess, met him through tumblr or something."

"Calum has a tumblr?" Luke snorted, he bet his url was something stupid like iamcalum or calfromdahood.

"Are you not listening, Calum might know your lover boy."

Luke's eyes widened, "This is has to be fate or destiny or some shit like that!" Luke exclaimed becoming excited.

"Hey now I'm not positive but Ashton is sort of a rare name."

Luke nodded, his bottom lip between his teeth contemplating if he should ask Ashton about it or not.

9/10 I write a chapter between Muke, Michael will tell Luke to shut up and to fuck off at least once :))

Ketchup holds a special place in my heart okay

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