text fifteen

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[dedicated to @wafflelashton because her story Revolution fricked me up and it was absolutely amazing and Olivia is one of my favorite Lashton writers okay ily]

Luke ;;

Ashton; hey Luke?

Luke; hi Ashy

Ashton; do you think we could like i dunno facetime or something?

Luke chewed on his lip ring, a grin making its way on his face.

"What's with that creepy grin, you look like the chesire cat from Alice in Wonderland." Calum snorted and nudged Michael so he could see Luke's face.

"I dunno Ashton just asked if I wanted to facetime."

Calum's eyes lite up and Michael just huffed, "Ooo skype him on your laptop so I can see him too!"

Luke's grin got bigger as he went to his room to get his laptop.

Ashton; or ignore me, that works too

Luke; do u have skype?

Ashton; smh who do you think I am of course I have a skype

Luke; my username is luke_is_a_penguin add me ;) xoxo

Ashton; why am I not surprised tbh mine is ashtonirwin

Ashton; and dont do that, thats weird ok this isn't some weird dating thing

Luke logged onto skype and added him and not even a second later he got a a notifcation come up in the middle of his screen.

ashtonirwin is requesting to video call you!

Luke just stared at the words, he was becoming nervous as his stomach started to clench.

"Are you going to answer it or just stare at it?" Calum questioned bouncing down next him and answering the call himself.

It loaded for a few seconds until a cute boy with curly dirty blond hair with glasses on his nose came on the screen.

"Lukey Hemmings!" Ashton's adorable voice yelled out and yeah, Luke was pretty sure he was falling in love with him.

Luke ran a hand through his hair and he let out a small chuckle, "Hi Ashton." and if he had extreme heart eyes Calum will pretend he didn't notice.

"My favorite kiwi is with you too! Mark this day, its a very special day." Ashton grinned as a small giggle left his lips, Luke is nearly dying, the older boy is way to cute for Luke to handle.

"And your favorite kiwi's boyfriend." Michael grumbled out, jealously seeping through his tone while on the other couch.

"Shut up love, you're acting like and you look like an angry little kitten right now." Calum scolded him throwing a pillow at him.

Michael scoffed, "I hate you Calum."

Ashton laughed hearing the two exchange , "Don't worry Michael, I have Luke now." and Luke was glad the light was dimmed so no one would be able to see his blushing cheeks.

"But Cashton?" Calum fake pouted before blowing a kiss to the colored haired boy who rolled his eyes in repsonse.

"But Lashton?" Luke added which made Ashton wink at him. 

For a few more minutes it was just silent-excluding the nosies coming from the video game Michael was playing- as Ashton and Luke just kind of stared at each other with a grin on both of their faces, both lost in their thoughts.

Ashton thinking about how amazing and crazy it is that one of his best internet friends is friends with his other best internet friend.

While Luke was thinking about how he's going to force away the growing feelings he's getting for the hazel eyed boy.

Calum knew the smile that Luke was giving the curly haired boy, it was the same smile he gave Michael and he wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not.

And if Luke sent Ashton messages like 'your giggle is my favorite ;)' and 'those glasses make you look 10x cuter' and maybe one 'theres a 99% you gave me a slight hard on' then no one has to know.

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