Som the runaway

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September 26th 2021

My best friend once said that studying equals to student dying. That couldn't be more further than the truth. She would stay up late to finish an assignment and sleep at 3 in the morning. Thinking about it makes me tired. Midterms are around the corner also my birthday too. I don't know whether I should be happy or scared. I stared out the window of my living room. The blue sky embellishes with puffy white clouds, floating around. The weather seems nice. Perfect for a walk. I am unmotivated to either studying for midterms or writing my story. I stretch my body and headed to my sister's room. I knocked on her bedroom door. "Emmie," I call. "Pai dren Len mai?"
Her door opened with my sister already ready to go. "Sure." She replies. "Can we take Som?"
"She's a cat." I say, trying to look for Som. "They don't do much."
"She likes walks though." Emmie reminds me.
"Fine." I say finally, walking to the kitchen cabinet. "You are responsible for her."
"Alright." Emmie closes her bedroom door and calls for Som around the house.  From a far away distance, I can still hear her calling out for Som. I enter the kitchen area and open the cabinet. I stumble back for something heavy jumped of the cabinet.
"Som, there you are." Emmie pointed at Som now on the floor, waiting for pats. Emmie picks her up and puts a leash on her as if she were a dog. Som tried to fight, but my sister is faster. "Let's go."
We step outside of our house. The hot Bangkok sun greeted our faces. Still hot even though it was close to five pm. "What season is this suppose to be?" I ask.
"It's raining season."Emmie shrugs.  "But, it's hot."
Som ignores our conversation and moves forward, dragging Emmie with him. I follow behind her.
"Som, mai aow."
Som ignores Emmie and breaks free from her.
"Som glub ma!" She screams, running after the orange tabby.
"Emmie, calm down," I scream after her. Som runs into the vegetable garden. Oh no. Grandma will kill me for this. Emmie dives in first.
"E Som glub ma."
"Emmie be careful."
Emmie crashes into Grandma's basil bush, knocking the leaves down, but she keeps going. "Emmie, slow down," I tell her, slowing down my pace. This is tiring. This is- I feel my eyes dimming and I knock to the ground. Perhaps, studying isn't the only thing that could kill me. 

How things went down after I passed out:

Mom: Som will be disowned


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