Chapter 28: Raizel vs Rael & Going home

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General Karl had received a call in the middle of the night, and from how the tone of the other person at the other end of the phone had sounded, it was something super important. So he rushed out of the house but not before giving his beautiful wife a kiss, she was already used to such important calls so she didn't fuss, only telling him to be safe.

As Karl was in the plane all the way to the secret base, he started pondering what the person at the other end of the phone had told him. Someone who could go to the moon on his own , he could live in space by himself. This was very dangerous, could he be a vampire. They had discovered the secret knowledge of vampires and werewolves that exist on the planet about 40years ago, but had decided not to provoke them. According to their info, the weakest ones among them could already move as fast as a bullet and their strength was insane.

They haven't truly gotten information on the true midlevels talkless of those who sat at the top. It was suicide to try to start something especially with the vampires. They had the scariest ability of all,      mind control. But it was how strong even the lowest level vampires of mind control is, the weakest of them could according to the data collected could control the minds of about 40 people perfectly and they don't even need to look them in their eyes just one of them was enough to this. So this is really  a losing battle if they decided to start.

But according to info, they hadn't truly seen one in some year's, the latest activity of movement was in Korea. But what they had wasn't the true monster's, he remembered that they called them experiments s and also even lesser ones called infected. If it ever comes down to war, then those guys would be their last defense. It was not a good thing for them as Americans who were proclaimed world power to have to have to put their hopes of living in the hands of Korea. But they had no choice, although they too had experiments that had been bought from the hands of Korea, but what they had weren't the true top tiers that they had created. Although he wanted to be angry at them for being so shameless, he knew that they would have done the exact same thing themselves. Who would just willingly give something as precious and powerful as that even if for the hugest sum of money, what would happen if the world then ends, would the money help? Or even worse, what about being back stabbed and overtaken by one another.

When he got the base, it was already early and the day was beginning to gain some light. After he got out of the plane, a hundred soldiers had rushed and lined up in a salute. "At ease men" he said as he walked into the base and was then lead into a room with a huge ass screen. As he stepped into the room, they exchanged greetings with each other as they finally played the recording that they had gotten from the satellite bot on the moon.

The whole room was in silence as they watched the recording. Karl's eyes widened more and more as he watched the footage, *"my God.... What sort of illogical beauty is this, and the girl who is with him, is she a werewolve or a human. I'm sure now that from his eyes he is what we classified as a vampire. But the girl, she looks like a highschool student and he too dresses like one. Based on particular similarities in their uniform, i'm sure that they go to the same school. But what are they doing out in the human world, are they about to start wanting to blend into human society little by little. But why, do they want control of the that shouldn't even be a problem if they want to. Are they trying to just blend in.....I think that we should make contact with him to try and see what his secret intentions are, perhaps it is possible to coexist and save ourselves from our doom if we ever decide to become stupid and attack them"*.

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