Chapter 13: Trial

Start from the beginning

"Do not worry," he said looking at his palm, "You are Healers, people who save the lives of others, it would be a dishonour to my Houses,"

They looked relieved but were still very wary of the young man.

"When is my trial, sir?" he asked ignoring the Healers looked who stared at his hand agape, paling. He vanished it quickly and the room began warmer. They had not even realized it was so cold.

"All matters regarding your trial shall be handled by Madam Bones,"

"I understand, Thank you very much," he sighed, "Would you please call Madam Bones, I wish to discuss some things,"

"Of course, I will have that arranged right away,"

He whispered to the Healer next to him who left the room. A few moments later, a smiling Amelia Bones came through the doors.

"Ah, Mr Potter, good to see you again," she appeared calm but Harry could see that she was scared. He had taken out three of her Personal Guard without even drawing his wand after all.

"Madam Bones, there is no need to be afraid, I know better than to try anything with the Head of the DMLE,"

Amelia straightened out her robes slightly embarrassed, she couldn't deny nor confirm that that the Head of the DMLE was scared of the small boy.

"Now, Mr Potter, if you don't mind, I will have a brief conversation with Madam Bones before you," the Healer said, "It won't be long,"

Harry nodded. It was clear that she didn't know what was going on and she visibly paled twice.

"Thank you, Healer Dots," she said walking into the glass room with Harry. She had her hand over her robe pocket ready to draw her wand if the need arose.

Thankfully, it didn't.

She spoke to Harry sickeningly patronizingly about what would happen at the trial. She was surprised at how mature Harry was at his age. He didn't even show any emotion, not even nervousness.

"Your trial shall be held in three days," she said before departing from the room. He nodded.


For the next three days, many different Healers came to observe him as though he were an exhibit in a zoo. It seemed like the word about him spread internationally. Many people from different countries visited him. Each time, they were shocked by Harry's maturity and ability to carry himself.

Finally, the day of the trial came and Harry was released from St Mungo's only to go to the Ministry for his trial.

The last time Harry had been under trial was when he was trialled by the entire Wizengamot for underage magic.


"Disciplinary Hearing of the 21st of January into offences committed by Harry James Potter, Resident of 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Interrogators, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Charges against the accused are as follows; that he did in full awareness of the illegality of his actions use an Unforgivable against one Mr Robert Anton Hawking," The room was filled with whispers and mumbles.

"How do you plead?"

"Not Guilty, sir,"

"Are you aware of the illegality of using an Unforgivable, Mr Potter?"

"I am, sir," he spoke in a nonchalant tone that baffled the Wizengamot, "Before you continue the trial, Sir," he interrupted, "I must ask, do you have any evidence that I, Harry James Potter, Lord of the Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter, Peverell, Gaunt, Slytherin and Gryffindor, have committed the crime other than your 'suspicions'?"

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