Chapter 2/ the next step

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Izuku's POV

I was crying in the corner. Slowly falling deeper and deeper in the darkness. I heard police and ambulance cars outside. I got up shaking fear. 'I-I don't w-want them t-to come c-closer.. ' I mumbled, so I trying to run away but then triped on something. I looked on what I triped on and it was a left over piece of flesh from the man. I covered my mouth from screaming and let out a muffed scream. I got up and ran to the back door. I heard a knock from the front of the house. Then they opened the door and I was hiding in the back room next to the back door. "HELLO!? IS ANYONE HER- HOLY SHIT!! " they must of found the bloody mess in the front.

I looked at my feet and realized I forgot to take off my blood soaked sock. I quickly took them off and put new ones my mom left in the laundry basket she forgot to put away. " Over there! I heard a noise" I started panicking 'they're gonna take me to jail!! But I wanna be a hero!' I slammed the back door open and ran in the backyard. Thankfully I left the wood planks open when they fell. I started having remembering my mom and started crying again.

" HEY WAIT! COME BACK KID WE JUST WANNA HELP!!". I looked behind me and someone with a transformation quirk turned into a wolf and ran after me. I tried to run faster then yelled " D-DON'T G-GET N-NEAR M-ME P-PLEASE!! " I tricked them in thinking I ran somewhere else then hid behind a big box.

'I don't wanna hurt them, I don't wanna hurt them, I don't wanna hurt them, I don't wanna hurt them' I mumble. I started to feel even more light headed as I heard someone choking and crying for help. "h-hel-p!" I covered my ears know what's going happen ' WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!? I WANT THIS TO STOP! NOW!! '. Then I heard another person crying for help and this time my nose was bleeding.

Naomasa Tsukauchi (aka the detective) POV

I look at the bloody mess all over the place. Blood on the walls on the floor on furniture. Man what happened here. This has to be the most gross some stuff I've ever seen. I grabbed my small plastic bags in my pocket and started grabbing some DNA and evidence to what happened in this normal and peaceful place. I put the bags in my car and in a cooler, not going let the blood rotten. And walked back. "Oi Tsukauchi look at this".

I walked to Akio "what is it Akio? ". "It looks like a kid lives here. Poor kid, I wonder what's they've gone through." he grab the small walkie-talkie on his chest and talked in it. "Asahi are you there " we waited for a bit until he answered. "yes I'm here Akio "." me and Tsukauchi seem to find a little kids room " . "no shit Sherlock we are chasing the kid right now! ". "Jeez no need to be that rude Asahi! ". We heard Asahi laugh a bit "damnit where is that kid!? " I took the walkie-talkie "hey Asahi? When you find that kid bring him back I wanna talk to him, over ". "ok sure, over". Me and Akio start to collect more DNA.

Izuku POV

I started to shake in fear again. 'I-I don't w-wanna hurt a-anyone.. ' I mumbled. "hey did you heard that, I think the kid's close " I heard footsteps getting closer and closer, I quickly got up and start running again. "HEY KID STOP RUNNING WE JUST WANNA HELP ". I didn't stop, I think my quirk hit one of the police officers because I heard someone fall until I saw someone in front of me. I pull them by the hand and hid in a corner with them. The police ran somewhere else, I saw that the person's face turns blue. I quickly covered their mouth trying not to get the polices attention. They explode in my hands.. I feel disgusted.. I hate this.. I don't wanna hurt anyone else!.

I tried to wipe some of the blood off from my shirt. Some man came up to me and I quickly backed up "p-please don't get n-near me I don't w-wanna kill y-you" he looked confused for some reason "kill? How would you kill m-" once he got a step closer to me he explode "what was that noise!? " "it came from over there! "... 'boom.. Boom explode.. Boom boom boom! " I started panicking and hid in a corner. I covered my ear with one hand and the other scratching the wall in pain. I hurts so bad. I feel like my head is going explode.. "Explode.. EXPLODE!?" I started sobbing in pain. 'I HATE THAT WORD IT FEELS LIKE POISON IN MY MOUTH, I FEEL SO SICK! ' I tried not to say that out loud

"HEY OVER HERE IT'S THE KID- TADASHI ARE YOU OK!? " I looked a bit knowing what gonna happen

Naomasa Tsukauchi POV

I grab my phone and looked through my contacts. 'Erasers Head' I called him, "hello? " "oh hey eraser head it's me Naomasa Tsukauchi, I was wondering if you can come and find a kid, the police are trying to find him but I guess the kids thinks that there playing hide and seek or some shit but we really need to find the kid because he might help us solve this. " erase sighed "ok fine give me the address" "sure it's xxxxx on xxxxxxx street" "ok I'll try to make it see you there" "k bye". A few minutes later he came and I showed him where the police ran of he left then I found two small bloody socks. I put them in a small bag and looked around more.

Aizawa's POV

I heard the police, they not that far. "what the fuck!? " I stopped and found a big pool of blood, blood everywhere, pieces of flesh, and crushed bones. The smell of blood lingering in my nose made me wanna throw up. What the hell happened here!? "what was that noise!? " "it came from over there! " I followed the voices and found the group of policemen "hey it erases head! Thanks for the help erases" "Mhm what ever let's just get this over with I'm tri-" BOOM! A loud explosion. We ran to the noise the same mess I saw earlier blood everywhere flesh and bones. I-.. Wait a minute this kid.. IS SO YOUNG! I THOUGHT TSUKAUCHI WAS SAYING LIKE A TEENAGER KID NOT A FUCKING FOUR YEAR OLD KID!!

"HEY OVER HERE IT'S THE KID- TADASHI ARE YOU OK!? " I see that one of the police officers face turned blue. I think it the kids quirk!?, I used my quirk on him and the police guy started breathing heavily. The kids quirk is out of control!

Izuku's POV

I was surprised that the police guy didn't explode.. EXPLODE!? I covered my ears meanwhile rocking myself while crying. I look over to the police and saw a familiar. The black hair and bags under his eyes.. I felt as if I couldn't move and as if I was gonna throw up. I saw the man with black hair walk up to me. Then it all went black.


(I didn't fix that much only around 100 words I might come back to this chapter and fix it again. I feel like this chapter is short. It's 1296 words now that edit it. I'mma leave it here for now.)

1182 words yassss um chill anyway so izuku is gonna have trama. Imagine how izuku gonna act once he hears bakugos explosion ಠ_ಠ. Any way if you guys have idk an idea or something please tell me I would love to hear some ideas :). I have Dislaxya so remember that plz ;-;.

((Shit it went down. 1351 words. Anyway. Make sure to comment of what you think about the story so far :) ))

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