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STANDING FACE-TO-FACE with Dante's sister was undeniably an unexpected turn of events for the day that I had planned so thoroughly. Her surprise appearance would undoubtedly thwart everything I had put together and although I felt that I should be happy that Dante would at least get to celebrate with a member of his family, I couldn't help but be disappointed that my time would be interrupted. I hated how selfish I was feeling at the moment.

"Can I come in? It's a bit chilly," she spoke eventually, reminding me that she was even standing there. I stepped out of the way, watching as she wheeled in two large suitcases in behind her. "You never answered my question. Naomi, correct?"

"Yeah...I'm Naomi," I responded with furrowed eyebrows, confused as to how she knew my name. I got the impression that Dante was a secretive person and I hadn't thought that he would tell his sister about him and I. Maybe I doubted how close of a relationship they had.

As if she could read my thoughts, she replied with, "He let your name slip one time by accident. It's not often that my brother gives me any information about his love life so I could only guess you were Naomi."

Her icy blue eyes were locked with mine as she said this and the entire time all I could think about how much she resembled her brother. The two had the same eye shape and those same long lashes—although hers were definitely enhanced a bit. Most strikingly, they had identical bone structure and hair color.

"So where is my brother?" She questioned as her eyes danced around the room that was only inhabited by the two of us. Her gaze stopped on the vast amount of food laid out on the island and all the decorations in the kitchen. "Are you surprising him?"

I nodded, a proud smile on my face that immediately dropped when she pulled her mouth to the side and sucked her teeth. She had been here not even five minutes and already seemed to be poking holes into my plans.

"I'm not sure he'll like this. He's not...very big on surprises. But hey...maybe he's changed," she shrugged, giving me a smile that I could only interpret as being forced.

"I hope so. This took a lot of time...but it's worth it."

I was being honest and I wanted her to see how much I really did care about her brother and his happiness. Even if she was being a bit rude to me, I wouldn't stoop down to her level and jeopardize my position in Dante's life. I would be nothing but nice to her.

Just then, Khalil and Lauren entered the room, both of them stopping in their tracks at the sight of Anna who was simultaneously looking in their direction. A look of pure excitement grew on Khalil's face while Lauren's was nothing shy of pure confusion.

"Anna," Kahlil laughed as she pulled him into her tight embrace. "What are you doing here? Did Dante invite you?"

Hearing Khalil ask that question almost made my heart stop in that moment. I had assumed he had been the one to invite her to surprise Dante. Clearly I was wrong and she had showed up here on her own.

"No. Figured I would just make my grand appearance as my brother's birthday gift," she told him, stepping back and looking over at Lauren who was now standing beside Khalil with her hand locked in his. Seeing these two interact would be nothing short of entertaining. "You must be Lauren."

"I am," my friend replied with a tight-lipped smile. "Has Dante told you about me?"

"Khalil, actually," Anna sang, wiggling her shoulders as Lauren visibly became flustered. "The last time I was in the city he told me about how great you were."

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