Chapter 14

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"Seriously? How do you know a bandit leader?" Roman asked me.

The memories were clouded, and it was vague. But I remembered...something.
"I...don't know. But I need to find him."

Roman sighed. "Alright I'll see what I can do."

I smiled. "Good. I think it's getting a bit late. So I suggest we get some sleep. Watts will be joining us tomorrow to repair Mercury's legs. We'll go on from there."

Roman nodded. "Sounds like plan, boss. I'll see you tomorrow."

Mercury made himself comfortable on a recliner while Emerald walked to one of the other rooms.

I sighed and sat at Roman's computer. There weren't any tabs open, so I decided to do a bit of research. I first tried to type in 'Branwen', but got no results on the tribe. I tried again by typing 'Branwen Tribe'. And I found something. They were last spotted near the coast of Vale. At least I had an area pinpointed now.

I got up and started to open the door. Mercury looked up at me.

"Where are you going at this time of night?"

"Out for a bit. I'll be back tomorrow."

I didn't say anything else as I walked out the door and into the night. There weren't many around. So I found an alleyway to start levitating and flew towards the west coast of Vale.

It took me ages, so long that the sun had started to rise. It was then I noticed a small settlement of people below me. I lowered a bit into the tall trees and watched.

Then I saw him.

I recognized Qrow as soon as he exited a large tent. His hair was longer, and he wore a black headscarf.

"We're going to be moving to Mistral soon," I heard him say. "The local authorities are onto us. And I think it's about time we packed up. Take down the tents immediately."

The tribe members quickly rushed and started to take the tents down. Just as he looked up into the sky, I got a glimpse of his eyes. Ruby red eyes...

And then, flashbacks illuminated my mind. I remembered everything. My teammates. My children. Salem. The gods. ...And I instantly grew angry. Qrow had been alive after all these years... and no one bothered to tell me. I screamed in rage and flew off before anyone could see me.

It was around noon or so by the time I got back. When I opened the front door, I saw Mercury laying on the couch and Watts replacing his legs with prosthetic ones.

"Looks who's back," Roman said. His mischievous smile faded once he saw my face.
"Damn you look pissed. Is something wrong?"

I shook my head. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with. Watts, how is Mercury doing?"

"I had his legs amputated because of too much damage. I'm working on his prosthetics now. I should be done by later today."

"Excellent. How good are you at forging weapons? Emerald needs one. Specifically a revolver that can also act as a sickle."

Watts nodded. "I can find someone by tonight to forge it. It shouldn't take too long."

"Good. I'm off once again. Take care of yourselves."

"Wait! You're leaving again? Where to?" Roman asked.

"A distant place. It'll take a few days to get back. So I'll be gone for a bit. Stay here. No one leaves unless necessary."

Roman nodded. "Okay. Have a safe trip I guess."

I ran out the front door and made my way to the same alleyway from earlier. From there I flew off into the distance. I didn't care how long it was going to take. But I was determined to meet with the God of Darkness.

I eventually saw the sky begin the change in color. From a vibrant blue to a dark red.

This has to be it, I thought.

I flew further until I saw the huge purple dragon himself. He was curled up and looked like he was sleeping, while Grimm crawled all over the place. As soon as I landed, they started attacking me. I used my powers to stop them, but I couldn't keep up and my arm got badly wounded. But I eventually reached the God of Darkness.

"God of Darkness, hear my plea," I said.

I watched as the huge Wyvern slowly rose to his feet.

"Who dares to invade my realm?" I heard him speak. Then he looked down towards me.
"A mortal? Tell me why you've come here."

I bowed respectfully. "My Lord... my heart is filled with rage because my beloved is alive. All this time I thought he was dead. No one informed me. Not even my family. Which is why I am coming to you. I want them to pay for lying to me."

The dragon looked over me curiously.
"So you're out for revenge, then?"

I nodded. "Yes. And I need power. I already have the Summer maiden's power, but I'll need more. But my arm..."

I stared at it, it was covered in gashes and was bleeding profusely.

"Dip your arm into the dark liquid," the dragon said. "If you are worthy of serving me, it will heal you. If you are not, then you will die."

I slowly walked up to one of the dark pools that Grimm come from. I slowly dipped my arm into the liquid. And I was instantly on fire. My body was burning. My mind was burning. I wanted to desperately remove it. But I could feel it gradually heal my wounds. But in a strange way...

The burning eventually stopped and I took my arm out of the liquid. What I saw was an arm made from Grimm. It had sharp talons and seemed to have a mind of its own...

"You must make it fear you," I heard the God of Darkness say. "Don't fight it. Or you'll pay the price."

"I...I understand," I said, between painful breaths.

"This part of you will help with your cause. It has the ability to suck out aura and make it your own. I've decided to aid you. ...But only if you aid me."

I looked up at him. "And how do I do that?"

"By spreading, fear, chaos, and darkness upon Remnant. I want this world to be mine. Do I have your aid?"

I nodded. "Yes, My Lord. I'll work on getting all the maiden powers. And then I'll take down each kingdom for you. One by one. Killings the headmasters along the way."

"Very well. You will be transported to the location you came from. I look forward to your report, mortal."

Before I could blink, I was back at the front door of the house. I could feel my Grimm arm move. And I felt it's destructiveness spreading within me... I lifted my arm up to examine it. It was still moving, but it stopped suddenly.

I shrugged and opened the door.
I found Mercury walking around on his new legs, and Emerald looking at her new weapon. It was a green sickle that had a revolver attached to it.

"Cinder!" Emerald cried. "I'm happy you're—"

Her voice cut off once she saw my arm.

"Gods what happened to your arm?! Are you okay?"

I nodded. "I'm fine Emerald. I'm fact, I think I know what we should do next."

Roman looked over at me. "And what's that, Grimm boss?"

I glared at him. "Don't ever call me that. And to answer your question. We'll be heading to Beacon Academy soon. But I'll need to train both Emerald and Mercury first. It's going to take a few weeks, but you should be in fighting shape by then."

Emerald's eyes lit up. "You're going to train us?! I'm so excited!"

I nodded. "Yes. But first, I'll need you to cover up this arm, Watts. No one wants to see a lady with a Grimm arm walking around."

Arthur nodded. "Don't worry I'll come up with something."

"Good. For now, I need some sleep. It's been a long day," I said.

Burning Rose (A Cinder Fall Story) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora