Chapter 15

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I awoke early the next day, just as the sun had begun to rise. I slowly got out of bed and walked into the living room to find Watts tinkering around with something.

I walked closer to greet him.

"Well, someone is up early," I said.

Watts looked over his shoulder.
"Ah. Good morning, Cinder. I was just working around hiding your arm. I've made a human-like cover for you to wear, but it's not quite finished yet."

I smiled. "That's alright. I can wait. I'm assuming everyone is still asleep?"

Watts nodded. "It appears so. It's still early after all."

"I'll go going on a little trip again, then. I'll be back around this afternoon," I said.

Watts stared at me. "And where do you plan on going?"

"Patch," I replied. "Me memories have returned. But something is... missing still. I was hoping another visit would somehow unlock those memories."

Watts nodded. "You're amnesia is still in effect it seems. If this feels like it's what you need to do, then I won't stop you. I have other obligations anyway."

I nodded. "I know. I'll be back soon."

I left out the door and instantly started to fly towards that island again. It was around the afternoon when I finally arrived. I had to be extra careful not to get caught. I hid in one of the trees close by and waited.

It felt like hours. But I finally saw a young girl walk outside. She had dark the red hair. And piercing silver eyes that shined in the sun. And she was wearing a red cloak. Soon another young girl stepped outside. A blonde girl who looked around the smaller girl's age, but slightly older. Her eyes were purple. Like lavender.

I felt like I had a connection to them... but couldn't quite place it.

"Ready to visit mom's grave before we go to Signal, Ruby?" the blonde haired girl asked.

The small girl, Ruby nodded. "Yeah. I try to visit everyday. But it's hard when your training to get into Beacon. I know I have a while to go..."

The blonde girl placed her hand on her shoulder. "It'll be okay, Ruby. I'll have your back."

Ruby smiled. "Thanks, Yang. You're the best big sister."

I watched them hug for a moment before they started to walk into the woods. I was curious. So I followed them, trying not to make too much noise.

They stopped at a cliff that had something engraved onto it. I couldn't quite read what it said.

"Hey, mom," I heard Ruby say. "I wanted to visit before heading to Signal. Yang is here too."

I watch Yang wave her hand. "Hi. Ruby and I miss you."

They stopped talking and I watched as Ruby grabbed a red rose from her pocket.

"This is for you," she said quietly.
"We have to go now, but we promise to see you again."

"Wish us luck at Signal!" Yang said, as they started walking back into the forest.

I waited until they were out of sight before setting off again towards the house.

That girl... she looked familiar. The blonde girl did too. I knew them somehow. But how...?

I shook it off as I flew back to the house. Everyone was awake when I opened the door. And Emerald was the first to greet me.

"Hi Cinder," she said. "I didn't know you left. I was hoping we could train me today."

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