Sixty-Three: Wedding

Start from the beginning

"Good," George jested.

She gave him a shaky smile. She couldn't stomach humor in a time like this. That potion did nothing, maybe it was wearing off.

"Dearly beloved and witnesses, we are gathered here because these wankers are eloping because of Lord Fuckface-" Fred was interrupted.

"Can you be a little more romantic?" George asked him sternly.

Fred rolled his eyes. "-Because they are young and in love, better?"


"Now, the Groom and Bride have vows they'd like to exchange." Fred announced, giving them the floor. "Ladies first,"

Lyra's brain went blank and she started to stagger over her words. She took a deep breath and decided to just go for it. "I-I didn't like George at first. I thought he was reckless, arrogant, careless, and an ass. He it most of those things." She grinned as people chuckled. "But slowly, I saw something else. I saw a caring person who could feel even for a mean, rich, snobby girl. He teased me, but not with menace. He started to grow onto me. And this annoying boy, he was entertaining, he was brave and so bloody free. I wanted a taste of his freedom. I wished to walk the corridors with pure authenticity. I started to fall for him. For some reason, he saw something in me too. I am so lucky to have George in my life. He made me braver, he helped me show my true colors. He showed that being authentic isn't a bad thing and I shouldn't care what anyone else has to say about it. I'm marrying the key who unlocked my golden cage. I vow to love you, to protect you, to hold you and take care of you as you've done for me. Life is too short not to marry the arrogant boy you envied."

A tear fell from George's eye that had been wanting to break free. He let out a shaky breath and let go of her other hand to pull a wrinkled sheet of parchment out of his breast pocket.

"I used to hate Lyra Druella Malfoy-" Lyra started laughing through the tears. "She was a rich, purist brat. She had too many silk dresses and had never heard the word no her entire life. But then I realized, she was like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. She was capable to see the errors of her ways as anyone is able to do. I learned that people don't remain the same, they change and evolve and I was watching her grow. I learned she was annoyingly smart and was such a know-it-all. I learned she did have too many silk dresses, but she also had a good heart. She was kind and I wish I could've hated her, but I couldn't. She also was beautiful. Her eyes were so blue, I wanted to dive in and take a swim. Her smile was infectious and she was so... perfect. She was uptight and a huge prude, but she also made me cautious. She stopped me from doing so many stupid things, things that may have gotten me killed. She taught me that cashmere came from goats, not bunnies and not all gold is pure gold. Sometimes they mix other metals to make it cheaper- who knew! She made me study and get at least a passing grade on my homework. She taught me how to spell words like decision and definitely. I fell in love with her. I was absolutely smitten and I still am. Each kiss makes me melt, each laugh makes me warm. She is all I think about day and night. She is who I want to make proud, who I want to impress. I love you, Lyra Malfoy. I love you so bloody much. I vow to protect you, to love you, to worship the ground you walk on- to take care of you. I vow to do all those things and more."

Her cheeks streaked with hot tears. She let out a whimper. He gave her hand a small comforting squeeze. She had an inkling the girls helped him write it, but it was still so beautiful.

Fred wiped a tear from his eye. "You bastards are making me cry." He cleared his throat. "Lyra, do you take George to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?"

"I do," She vowed.

"Now, Georgie, do you take Lyra to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?"

"I do," George vowed.

Fred pulled a pouch out of his pocket and opened it up. "Now, George and Lyra will exchange rings as a symbol of their love and commitment to each other. Or for the time being." George stomped on Fred's foot for that little add-on. "Oof! Only joking!" He shook his foot out and handed George the sapphire ring. "George, please place the ring on Lyra's left hand and repeat after me:
As a sign of my love-"

“As a sign of my love-" George started slipping the ring onto her finger.

"-That I have chosen you-"

"-That I have chosen you-”

"-Above all else-"

“-Above all else-” George continued to repeat.

"-With this ring, I thee wed-"

"-With this ring, I thee wed.” The ring was finally slipped fully on as George finished his repetition.

Lyra was next, repeating it all, except slipping a silver band onto his finger with her shaky hand.

"It is my honor to declare you officially married!" Fred announced. "You may kiss the pretty bride!"

George wrapped his arm around her middle and tugged her forward. He pressed his lips to hers in a concealing kiss. Fred simultaneously created a rain of stars over the newlyweds. Lyra felt a star tickle her nose and caused her to giggle.

The two looked into each other's red eyes. They were officially married, well, almost.

"Now, Love birds, sign your names here." Fred handed Lyra the quill first as the velvet ribbon was pulled loose.

She wrote: Lyra Malfoy-Weasley (because why did she have to give up her last name?

George signed his name as well. The papers illuminated in a golden light, securing the marriage.

Alicia grabbed the camera and took a few photos of the new couple. At that moment Lyra wished she had flowers to hold.

"Congratulations!" Alicia hugged her close. "I'm sorry for almost ruining your relationship on accident."

"It's alright, as long as you didn't fuck my husband, we're good." Lyra told her.

"Time to fucking eat!" Lee announced.

They went back to Angelina and Alicia's flat. They put on a record and dug into a white cake Alicia baked. There was a photo taken of them cutting into the simple wedding cake.

After eating the chocolate cake, Lyra danced with her new husband. He twirled her around and pulled her close, making her laugh.

Lee and Alicia danced and Fred asked Angelina to dance.

When Lyra and George finally fell asleep on the couch, her curled up under his arm and Lee and Alicia chatted and laughed, still Fred and Angelina slow danced, no matter the song.

Despite the situation, it was a good wedding.

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