Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Wednesday, April 6th, 2016
It's another day, another Wednesday with the same ringing alarm clock, same morning routine, the same groups of people you bump into in school and work, and at the end of the day it's the same 'ol ending. Airen slams her alarm clock and get up as fast as she can to start her morning routine. Ironically enough, she stayed up till 4 in the morning to finish up her future assignments, so she can make up the hours she lost previously. If only she could've slept earlier or find another time to makeup for lost time. However, being a senior in high school, a captain of the swim team and a kick boxing coach, she has little time to social or finish up her academics. "It's only April" Airen says as she runs to the bathroom. "Just two more months until I get a taste of sweet sweet freedom".
Once she gets her hand in the door knob, she finds it locked and knocks three times on the door. A voice from the other side replied "Taken", with the faint sound of high pitched graphic rings and button smashing. " I need to get in there, Ty"Airen replied nervously. "5 more minutes" yelled back Tyler. "Get lost. i'm on the final boss stage"
"You're not even dropping a douce, my guy"
"Hold it or go find somewhere else to take a leak." He responds back. "I can't afford to lose this fight" he says to himself. Airen snaps with an attitude, " yeah well I can't afford to be late to school!"
"Get in the back of the line" shouted Tyler. Airen getting antsy, tapping her feet aggressively runs off to the kitchen, opens the cabinet drawer, next to the fridge, to look for a spare bathroom key. She rummages around old things until she found the skeleton key with the blue ribbon and runs back to the bathroom. She walks back, knocks three times and threatens him again.
"You have five seconds to get out, otherwise I'm pissing in your fish tank"
Tyler smirked and giggled, "yeah yeah"
"Does thing one and two like golden showers, or a fat log for that plastic lumberjack to step on?"
"You wouldn't!" He exclaimed
"Wanna bet?"
Airen walked into Tyler's room, opened up the fish tank lid and dropped her pants, before her mother walked in on her. In awe, she yells "what an earth are you doing?"
Airen drops her shorts but stops midway when she tells her so. Airens mother insisted that she'll take care of it, as she walks to the bathroom door. Before she could even knock, Tyler, open the door and walks out with his game in his hand, still playing it. Airen quickly put the fish tank lid back in its place, and runs out of his room to see her mother scrunch her face in confusion. "Since when did we ever buy him that?" Questioning and she points to his 3DS. Airen shrugged and said, "someone let them borrow it. He's been glued to it ever since." She walks in the bathroom, closes it and do her business.
After occupying the facilities, she washed her hands, hopped in the shower and change into clothes. She puts on her forest green V-neck T-shirt, red flannel button up shirt, a pair of mid rise skinny jeans, black high top chuck Taylors and her gold Star of David pendent necklace that she wears underneath her clothes. By the meantime, she put all of her books away in her backpack and grabbed her swimwear and kickboxing gear, shove the deep inside of her bag and run out. She ate as fast as she could, brush your teeth, touch up her hair, and grab her bike to ride off. Before she left she said good morning and goodbye to both her mother and her cousin. See where her uncle Charlie was, and a response Teresa said, " oh you missed him, he left early". Airen shrugged again until Teresa asked if Airen would like a ride to school and she politely turned it down since she's going on her bike.
Since the bike ride from her parents place to Maspeth high school is exactly 20 minutes away, she has challenge yourself to get there before the 20 minutes are up. While riding her bike on the way, almost getting into a hit-and-run with someone in a red Ferrari, blasting some Rae Sremmurd song. While the red Ferrari honked at Airen for being in front of her, she turned around and yelling at her "Watch It, Bitch!" As she hops on and continued to ride. Thankfully neither passengers got Injured and both came out unscathed. Once she arrives to the school, she parked her bike, chained it, she bumped into her her childhood friend and classmate, Emma Makowsky.
Emma moved into the neighborhood when she was 10, transferring from boarding school to public school. Both of her parents are polish suburban, who both parents work in a fancy insurance company. After the two met for the first time, the two begin to grow close, forming a lifelong bond and friendship. Even so, Emma is the only friend she has since she doesn't miss judged Airen, treat her poorly or have even ever betrayed her in the past. Emma walks across the parking lot and up to Airen. Airen examines Emma looking down as she clutches her backpack, her short blonde hair flowing in the wind, big four eye glasses, White turtleneck sweatshirt with the lavender pink nightgown on top, black T strap oxford shoes, white lace truffled rim ankle socks and a purity ring. Off choice, but a comfy one since spring started, but still chilly considering this is April in New York and not Florida.
"Morning Emma" Airen exalted. "Good Morning Airen" Emma replied back with an upsetting look. "What's wrong Emma?" Airen asked. Emma shakes her head while avoiding eye contacting, saying it was "nothing". Airen responds back concerned, "are you sure?". Emma accepts this faulty, still avoiding eye contact. Airen pulls Emma's arms down, unfolding them and looking her into her eyes with concerned and eventually Emma opens up.
"Tell me what's going on?" Airen I sister and Emma took a deep breathe and proceeds to speak. "Well, my parents have been boasting about their college years, and I have yet to pick which one should I go to." Emma nervously pants, feet she might make the wrong choices. "Has anyone accepted you yet?" Said Airen rubbing her back and patting it. "No, and Admission announcement are always on the first of April and I have yet to hear anything" Emma frantically raising her voice. Airen brushes up her hand up on her shoulder, comforting her while Emma is slowly making eye contact. Airen questions, "Maybe the mail is coming in late? You don't know". Emma responds panicking, "Well maybe they never bothered to accept me, so they're gonna do themselves the honor and neglect me slowly and softly".
"Well have you checked your emails?"
"Yes, I've refreshed the same homepage on my account. I even checked my spam and they haven't said anything to me."
"See Emma that's your problem"
"What? I'm overthinking this?"
"No. You have an AOL as an email. Who the hell still uses that ancient piece of rock?"
Emma scoffs. "It's still useful"
"It's 2016! Most people use gmail or yahoo. But besides the point, it's a slow day. I bet the postal service are having a hectic day because of the amount of acceptance letters they have to deliver". Before the two finally arrive at the door, Airen stops and tell her to stop bickering about and to relax a bit.
"It's only Wednesday, wait till the weekend and maybe something will come in for you.". Airen outs her hand and rubs it again on her arm and shoulder to ease her tensions while Emma takes a deep breathe and looks into her eyes.
" You're right" replied Emma scoffing again. "You're totally right. I'm just gonna wait a little while for that non-acceptance letter". Emma rolled her eyes, before going in. Airen pulls her aside and adviced her that to cut the crap. "Not with that pessimistic tone you will. You're just gonna cloud your judgement. Just relax and let this week go by. When it comes, let me know."
"You think someone will accept me?" Emma said with her eyes opening wider and voice getting softer.
"Emma" said Airen tilting her head.
"You have a 4.0 GPa, you're taking 4 AP classes, that we are both in. Well, three of them, I'm not in AP Art History with you. But you have a way better resume then I do."
"You think so ?"
"Are you kidding me? Universities are bleeding from crawling on their scrapped kneecaps against their expensive rusted cobblestones to have you as a future alumni. There's no one like you Emma. You got this, I know you do!"
     After the array of compliments, Emma slowly smiled and Airen poked her nose as a platonic gesture. "Thank you for your comforting words." said Emma smiling . "And your disturbing graphic imagery".
"No problem" replied back Airen as she pulls her hand for big hug. Once she pulls back, she punches her lightly and says, "Now cmon let's go. I got here a little late cause of another one of Tyler's another dookie tournament this morning and I had to miss the bus". Airen grabd her hand again, dragging her to their lockers since their lockers are across from them. Both girls run to their lockers, put their things away and walked to their respected classes. "If only I got here earlier, I could do a swim warm up. But I guess the bike ride was enough of a warm up that I can get" airen said to herself as she closed up her locker and both girls makes their way to the third floor to their AP Biology class.

Moblins: The Story of Airen DelphineWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu