「Phase 104」 Poppin' Step ♪

Start from the beginning

"I don't know."

"Is that so?"

"I'll figure something out."

Claire chuckled and in contrast, Hikaru stared at the equipment with narrow eyes. "Do either of you know how to use magic?"

"Unfortunately not."

"I've seen it a few times on TV so I thought we would just copy them."

"One of my younger brothers used to have a set," Hikaru recalled, "He'd usually make things 'disappear'. But..." She sighed. "I don't think that's enough to impress anyone older than six." She paused. "Maybe Usagi-chan would like it? But it's not like we need to show off to her."

"So magic won't work?"

"Not unless we can figure something out quickly."

"Maybe we should try something else," Claire agreed, "What would you suggest, Mizushima-san?"

"You can call me Minori. And... hmm..." she crossed her arms, furrowed her brows and closed her eyes.

Thinking, thinking, thinking...!

"I don't know. But I liked the magic! But..." She pouted. "Is it really too hard?"

"I've been considering taking up photography recently," Hikaru noted, "If that helps?"


"For deciding what to do," Hikaru said, "I thought it'd help if you knew our skills."

"If that's the case, I've taken ballet lessons in the past," Claire added.

"You're a ballerina?"

"Along with other types of dance. Oh, I know a decent amount about astronomy and astrology."

"That's amazing, Bright-chan!"

Claire smirked. "For example, I know my horoscope today says that I'll be confused today but the best step is to calm down and take a step back."

"Woah..." Hikaru awed.

"What are your signs?"

"I think Virgo," Hikaru said.


Claire reached into her bag and brought out a small, blue book. She flicked through the pages before stopping.

"Hikaru-chan, you should let your heart lead the way and good things will come to you. Minori-chan, connect with the people who make you happy and let your artistic juices flow. Decisions are difficult to make but don't stop your productivity because of that," Claire read, a small smile appearing on her face. "It seems our answer has been found already. Should we practice our performance instead?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Hikaru agreed, "Right, Minori-chan?"

"Okay~!" Minori chirped.

Let her creative juices flow, huh?

"Do either of you have a preference in terms of a song?"

"I don't know many, so..."

"Songs for three," Minori said to herself, "You already performed Bright Link with Usagi-chan, right?"

"It was fun," Hikaru recalled.

"So, that?"

"Or maybe something else," Minori said. It was an energetic song, and she most certainly couldn't match Usagi's usual energy. It'd just be a worse version of what had come before. "So, maybe like..." Her eyes lit up. "Hey, I remember Hina-sama singing a pretty song on TV once with two others! It went something like..." she started humming to an upbeat tune. A cute song, with thankfully slightly less energy than Bright Link.

Aikatsu Crescent! BRIGHTEST☆STARS || アイカツクレセント!Season 3Where stories live. Discover now