Carma's A Bitch.

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Ryan's POV

We leave for tour tonight.

We also have a show tonight. I love when we preform live. It gives me such a rush.

When we get there, we do a sound check and the manager tells us we have 30 minutes to kill.

I start to wonder when some strong arms pull me into a closet.

I almost scream when I see Ronnie's silhouette in the dim light. 

"You scared the shit out of me!" I say, hitting him on the arm.

"I'm sorry. Come here." He says, putting his arms around my body.

I feel safe in his arms. Like this is the way it's supposed to be.

"Better?" He asks, I nod.

"You're cute when your scared, your eyes get all big." He says. I laugh. 

"Shit We gotta go." He says, turning to open the door.

"Wait!" I say, pulling him back. "You forgot something." I kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'll never forget that again." He says, winking at me. We leave the closet and run on stage. 

"HOW'S EVERYBODY DOING????" Ronnie yells.

The crowd responds with cheers and screams.

We start with Good Girls Bad Guys and end with  Chemical Prisoner.

"Goodnight Cali! You've been wonderful. We'll see you at warped tour." Ronnie says, running off stage.

Jacky and I have an encore and do a solo battle.

He fucking crushes me.

I run off stage to find Ronnie. I wonder where he went.

I turn the corner, and see something I wish I didn't.

Ronnie and Carma.


Before the tears fall, I run to the bus.

"Ryan!" someone yells, but I don't answer.

I jump into my bunk and try not to cry.

I..I thought he liked me.

Was he just using me?

Ronnie's POV

I run off the stage, I was really thirsty. I look around for my water, when I hear a voice.

"Looking for this?" Carma says, holding up my water. 

"Give that to me and get out of here." I say, reaching for my water.

"But Ronnie, how can we make up if I leave." She asks, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"We don't. I'm happier without you." I say.

"But I miss you. And we both know you miss me." She says, kissing me. She pins me behind the wall, and I try to get her off without hurting her. I get her off and I see Ryan's back. Shit, he saw.

"Ryan!" I yell, no answer.

"You bitch!" I say, looking at Carma.

"Look on the bright side, at least he's out of the way so we can be together." She says, coming closer to me.

"Get away from me. Security! Make sure she doesn't come backstage to any of our shows." I say, they nod there heads and take her out.

I run toward where Ryan is.

He went to the bus.

"Ryan?" I ask, tugging on his curtain a little.

"Go away." He says.

"Ryan. She kissed me. I didn't want to hurt her, so I didn't push her. Ryan please believe me." I say.

"Do you still love her?" He asks.

"The only one I love is you." I say.

"Y..You love me?" He asked.

"Of course. What's not to love about you?" I say, chuckling.

"Everything. I'm a horrible, ugly human being." He says.

I crawl in next to him, and whisper,

"You're such a liar." I say to him, kissing his cheek.

"You're super sweet. And a kick ass drummer. Not to mention your body. You're so fucking sexy. I jerk off to you sometime." I say, feeling safe spilling that secret to him, and kissing his neck.

"I love you Ronnie. You're mine now, right?" He asks

"Yes. And your mine." I say, finally kissing his lips.

Keep Holding On (A Ronnie Radke and Ryan Seaman fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now