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"Misaki. I dont know what you expect to gain by Doing this. I wanted to keep you out of this life and you go and catapult your way in on your own." Mikey stood in front of me looking severely Disappointed. For once in my life i am ridiculously happy to see him.

"Mikey." I find myself getting completely emotional after the strange experience with the future and where im headed in life.. is it a good thing to go that path and be rich with a rich husband. Is that what i really want? How did i end up with kisaki and were we even in love. So many questions cloud my mind. "please." I manage to whisper, as  tears fight their way out of my eye sockets.

"Misaki.." he almost whispered as i stood ready to break down in front of him. "I cant do this." The tears escape streaming down my face leaving hot stains of liquid pain all the way down my cheeks

"Misa-Tan. Whats happened to you. How did you get in this mess."

"Oi Mikey. Dont speak so informally to our girl.

"Hanma Shuji." I could barely see from the tears brimming in my eyes but i could tell Hanma was about to place his arm around me. "Why did you bring her into this world. You know she deserves better than this life!."

"Heh.. you trying ti say this life's not the best." His usual sadistic laugh was in full swing and i missed future Hanma for how calm and mellow he seemed in his older age

"not for a woman." Mikey groaned.

"Now thats a little sexist is it not." Hanma smiled smugly as he placed his arm around me.

"Hanma I swear I will murder you."

"Misaki get out of this life while you still can." Mikey may be a total Douche but i really should have let him protect and let him keep me from the strange future..

the future. That same old question holds is my future really so bad. What kind of future do I want. Anything  has to be better than this bleak life.... Right. Does that make it okay being a successful business woman even the police are afraid of. But did i get that status through Kisaki.. or of my own merits. I wonder what morally right or wrong. Would i be in danger in that life.. is that really how things are supposed to be.

I wonder if Takemichi's meddling has changed the future and how many different futures may have happened in the time he has been time leaping...

i ran from the Mikey and Hanma situation as fast as i could to see a half beaten up Takemichi who was throwing sluggish punches. He moved with lethargy and looked Like he could pass out at Any moment. I noticed a big Valhalla guy was ready to swing a Lethal punch and jumped as Fast as j could to get him out of the way colliding with him and both of us rolling to the floor.

I had completely forgot in that moment that Touching him would send us back into the Future...

"Babe." I hear Kisaki say from behind me. I noticed i was back in the gigantic mansions living room and was still in this ridiculous Dress. "Its late isnt it time to come to bed...." He stopped in his tracks when he noticed tears Sobbing down from my eyes.  "Misa. why are you crying" my eyes were still puffy and red from the crying to Mikey before. But were now clouding with more years. Tears that i can not explain.

"I.. I don't know." Kisaki sighed a little his eyes looking slightly apologetic. Something i never expected to see. he approached the couch and sat next to me stretching his arm over my shoulder and placing his hand on my back to pull me closer for a hug. The warmth of his body was enough to let me melt into his arms that for some very very strange reason made me feel safe. Like all my worries could melt into his arm as i sobbed all of them away.

His strong arms held me closer as his hand rubbed my back gently. "I know its been hard Loosing your Mother and Mikey and Now Draken in the space of a month."

MY MOTHER.... That alcoholic psycho...... even after everything she done to me my heart still panged from the news and the sobs only got heavier. "Let it out." I cant quite understand why he is being so nice... is it really possible that i am truly in love with kisaki in this strange future... if so then what happened to get me to this point.. i must make sure to find out.   I toon a deep breath and pulled away from Kisaki to wipe my eyes.

"I'm sorry i got makeup all over your expensive clothes." His lips curled into a soft smile.  

"Never mind that lets get you cleaned up." He lifted me from the couch and carried me bridal style to the bathroom. Thank goodness as i had no idea where it was.   He placed me onto the counter top infront of a mirror and started to take my heels off. At first it was strange and a little weird but he placed a soft kiss on my lips before opening a drawer where i noticed i had many many skin care products. He took out some makeup remover and a face cloth and began to place it onto it before gently wiping my eyes. It was oddly relaxing.

"I can do this myself. You don't ha..." His finger on my lips stopped me from finishing.

"Its okay. I don't mind. Honestly you are always so independent. Its a good thing but you should let me take care of you once in a while."  How is it possible that mr Scary gang man who i always was most afraid of is somehow the kindest soul that I'm married to.

He continued to cleanse my face and took every last drip of makeup off and even placed moisturiser on my face too before carrying me once again towards the bedroom placing small kisses on my lips the entire way.

"You should wear these ones." He placed me down on the bed and went  iver to a huge walk in closet and came back with some very cute yet slightly sexy Pyjamas." "Pink was always your colour." I gulp but took them from him and head to change in the closet. He groaned a little when i left but i was NOT changing in front of him even if we are technically Married.. WAIT. Earlier he said that we would continue this in bed.... Oh no no no. I must avoid this at all costs....

after changing and reluctantly heading back to the bedroom i noticed it was 3.30 am. Wow its late and im so tired. Its been a longggg night.

"oh those really do look good on you." Kisaki stood In only his Boxers his suit from before he was folding and placing i to what i assumed was a laundry basket. His body was finely toned and.. dare i say it. Sexy.

"lets go to bed you look tired." I gulp an almighty gulp. Alright Misaki you need to sleep here you are married you cant arouse suspicions. We just need to avoid the Sex like the plague!!

I took a breath and hopped into the bed he did the same and placed his arm around me while we lay down i placed my head on his chest and automatically felt ridiculously comfy. Im not sure if its the expensive queen size bed or the fact I'm cuddled up to Kisaki.. "Good night My Wife." but i fell asleep Instantly.

Gang Girl- Tokyo revengers fanfic (Mikey, Hanma, Kisaki) Where stories live. Discover now