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I was never told much and most things are kept from me that are gang related. If they need me communication is all through Hanma. And right now he is the last person I want to See.

How dare he use me like that what a total jerk. he has been teaching me to fight for the last while and i genuinley hate it, for now im in too deep to get out now. i would probrably end up KIlled if i tried to defy."

"Today is your first appearance id rather avoid ut but you may need to fight if it comes too it." Hanma stated as he walked a few paces infront.

"Who said i was fighting anyone." he let out a very strange chuckle that almost seemd psychotic. i genuinley think he is a Narcasist.

"Me!. Im your Commander so you answer to me.""Il just stand and do nothing." i scoffed.

"Were gonna go show you off to Toman." I felt a lump form in my throat and using all my might I attempted to swallow.

"T.Toman." Hanma let out his almost sinister psychotic laugh once again.

"He he he, Thats right Princess. Toman." I wanted to kick him and strangle him and just generally give him a piece of my mind for acting so smug.

"Who the hell are you calling princess."

"I may have tricked you but i still want to take you on that date Princess." I hate it when he gets so smug with me.

"In your dreams Hanma that ship sailed." His smug face and the grit in my teeth was enough to cause a serious atmosphere. Yet it did not last long.

"Kisaki Tetta." A strange yet somehow Familiar voice called out in a questioning tone. it came from behind as the voice turned the corner it revealed a very familiar person.

"BAJI!." My cousin Baji was now stood infront of me.

"Misaki..." he looked particularly puzzled and i could not blame him after all I am stood with Kisaki Tett and Hanma. "What are you doing here."

"It's. A long story and im Getting paid Haleavily!!." I said with a sigh. "But what the heck are you doing here." I had completely forgotten that my cousin was part of Toman... i remember my father telling me mot to hang around Baji a few years ago when he helped found a gang.. that was the last i seen of Baji damn did he grow up..

"are you part of Valhalla." I huffed and held my hand to my brows.

"Who knows. Im just here because im being forced." For a moment his eyes slanted but he kept his composure.

"She is My personal Assistant." Hanmas hand reached to my face from beside me as his upper half twisted ever so slightly to reaach his hand cuffed my chin brushing ever so slightly untill the tip of his middle finger was on the tip of my chin. His menacingly psychotic smile ever present on his face and that horribly traumatic chuckle once again escaping his mouth. For a moment I could not breath it was like i was glued down and frozen in place i struggled to take even so much as a breath. Paralysed with fear.

"What brings you to Valhalla.. Baji."

"IM HERE TO JOIN VALHALLA!." Hanma let out a seriously loud chuckle as he let go of my chin.

"Ohh." Kisaki Tetta smirked. "And what does a founding member and close friend of Mikey want with Valhalla."

"Baji..... you would betray Mikey like that." I asked feeling so ridiculously hurt. I cant even imagine how Mikey would feel if he saw this.... No why should i care that idiot is not my concern.

"PA's speak when they're spoken to Misaki." Kisaki bellowed enough to make me jump from my skin. He was truly a menace, he was nothing but sheer evil. Terrifying and Evil.

Gang Girl- Tokyo revengers fanfic (Mikey, Hanma, Kisaki) Where stories live. Discover now