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"I'm going out today." I said while making toast in the kitchen for my father. He has a rare day off today so he wanted to spend it relaxing. The least i could do is help him by making some breakfast after all he does for me everyday.

"Oh. Good to hear it, are you going out with some friends." its not something i ever had the chance to do often i was always to afraid to leave home in case my mother would fly off the handle or drink herself silly when she would end up in a bad situation.

"Yeah a friend." I smiled while placing the coffee and toast down for my father. his eyes widened for a moment but his face softened into a smile.

"Is it that Sano boy." He asked suggestively which made me groan.

"No way in hell." I folded my arms with a huff as He giggled a little.

"I'm glad to see you making time for some friends." I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him tightly in a warm hug from behind m.

"Thank you dad."

"My little girl." I heard him whisper as I left for the door.

"Well I'm off, you take care of yourself." I slipped on my shoes while saying my goodbyes and stepped out the door. I closed it behind me and made my way down the steps.

"Yo." Hanma caught me offguard when i was running down the stairs and whizzed past him.

"OH, Hanma you came here." we had already agreed to meet at a Cafe later but now he is here at my house.

"I could not wait another second more I was in Withdrawal. MIsaki Withdrawal." is that really true. sometimes I wonder if this guy literally is joking with me "lets go I have another place in mind." I didn't have the time to be confused anymore because of his comment that changed my thought process.

"Where are we going?." I asked as we began to walk. i was somehow super nervous suddenly with the realization that this is actually a date.... my first date ever. What the heck do people talk about on date.

"You will see when we get their." I followed closely behind to Hanma. I didn't make much of an effort on appearance as i left my shoulder length Brown hair to flow in its usual wavy way and wore a casual summer dress with converse shoes nothing too special. While Hanma wore his usual Attire. As usual he looked very badAss which was funny but also very cool!

"Well. Okay then." I do like surprises sometimes. Although i don't understand why he is being so weird about a Coffee place.

"You look gorgeous as ever." He stated looking back from the few steps in front.

"T. Thanks." I blushed pretty heavily yet i still don't believe him.

"Even cuter when you blush."

"shut up." I say attempting to hide my face from him. This only made him giggle.

"come on we are almost here." I found myself on some strange Cafe on a street corner that I had never saw before but something felt very Odd about it. i followed him inside and realized that this was probably a delinquent hang out space... wow

"What the hell am i doing here."

"I promise this isn't our date we just need to stop here first." Stop here. Before our date what is he thinking bringing me here.

"Well okay." I didn't have the energy or the will to argue with Hanma it seemed pointless.

"Hanma, You brought her. Good." Brought me?. A guy with glasses stood before us he had quiffed bleached hair glasses and a rather noticeable Large earring in one ear.

Gang Girl- Tokyo revengers fanfic (Mikey, Hanma, Kisaki) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat