(Y/N):I'm only back to inform you that I have a new peace sis. He was a fallen that was trying to stop a group of fallen ribbels from starting another war.I would like you all to meet my new friend Zeno.

Zeno:Hello to all.

Zeno bows and everyone is shocked.

Rias:So why change him?

(Y/N):He was about to die and I found him worthy to be in my peerage before I even met him so I needed a rook . So now I have one.

Rias:I see. So a knight ,a rook and a temp pawn.

(Y/N):Yes. Now if you excuse me. I am going to go drinking and who knows maybe I find a queen or a bishop.

Rias look at you with anger but softens once she actually looks at you and see the pain you feel for hurting everyone. She lets you go.

(Y/N):Zeno are you coming or would you like to stay here?

Zeno:With all due respect (Y/N) I would like to stay here.

Ash runs up to you and hits you.Zeno is about to defend you when you stop him.

(Y/N):It's ok Zeno.This is my knight Ash. I understand Ash and it is okay I forgive you. You didn't know.

Ash has tears running down her faces.

Ash:You asshole why didn't you tell me?

(Y/N):I'm sorry but I had to do it that way and I'm sorry for hurting you.Please stay with Rias while I sort out everything in my head.

She look s at you while you disappear into a portal and it closes.She drops to the floor.

Ash:I failed to trust my master,I fail him.I fucked up.

Rias:That is enough Ash.He thinks you did the right thing. He things you all did the right thing but he needs to sort himself out .

Everyone feels bad.Then Koneko walks in . She has her plain cold expiration.

Koneko:What is going on and who is he?

Rias:He is (Y/N)'s first Rook and everyone feels bad for attacking (Y/N) because he hurt you.

Koneko:Thank you everyone.

Rias:Koneko! I know you are upset but now is the time for you to focus if you really love him. You will use that anger to become stronger.

Koneko:But I don't know if I love him.

You are were on the roof listening.

Koneko: Maybe it was just because Issei didn't pay much attention to me that I felt like I needed to be with someone.

Everyone is shocked as they hear this and even more shocked when they see you jump off the roof.

Rias:He was here the whole time, waitwhat is that in his hand?

Zeno:It is a bottle of Scottish Leader.He had it when he found me.

Rias:Oh no we need to stop him before he goes because now he is hurting.

Everyone looks confused.

Rias:He regretted fighting you all,hurting all of you all and he only did what he did to try to motivate Koneko to become stronger.

Everyone is shocked and everyone runs to try stop you but they are to late you are gone.


Kiba:We didn't even try to listen to his side of the story.


Koneko:He did it because he loved me and I said I just saw him as a replacement for Issei.

Akono:Rias what do we do?

Sucker punchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora