"I want to join the Marine Corps afterwards, Uncle Joe."

None of them have ever approached either Grace or I with something so life changing that had me wanting to immediately discourage them. Not until now. I don't even know what to say. I never expected this. Austin has never showed an interest in the military so this . . . this is just news to me.

"And your parents? What do they say?" I finally ask. His expression changes instantly, becoming darker. This worries me.

"They don't care. They already signed all the papers."

My eyes widen at that. "What?"

"They signed the paperwork for me to go. Since I'm not eighteen, I needed the permission of a parent or guardian." Anger rolls through me at his words. So they don't care about him going away for four years? What kind of sorry excuse for parents are these? But also-he already had things ready?

"When did you know you wanted to do this?"

"A few months ago. I knew I wanted to when I was talking to Dave." I could just about roll my eyes. Dave, his friend and classmate, is from a military family. I know Dave's father, John, a tank of a guy who served. Not to mention Dave's older brother, Jeff, who is also serving-and that's just two out of their entire family. Naturally Dave would follow in their footsteps. I know he plans on joining the marine corps after his four years at the academy as well, but it was his mother who thought it'd be best for him to try his hand at the academy and see if he likes it. And then he can go off into the marines.

"And you just went ahead and got this all done before telling us?" I ask, and he blinks before looking away.

"I didn't think you guys would react like this. Sure, Rose. . ." His voice softens and he goes quiet for a moment. ". . .but not the rest of you."

"We love you Austin, of course we'd react like this." He frowns at my words but looks back at me. I'm upset, and I'm not hiding it.

"Come on you two," Grace says, beckoning to Ty and Nova. They head to the basement, leaving Austin and me alone.

"What the heck is going on?" There has to be more to this.

"I need to get stronger," he bites out.

"What do you mean? You know self-defense, you've learned martial arts." His rich parents had him go to various lessons, and I suspect it was only to look somewhat involved in his life. "I've taught you boxing as well. What do you mean you want to get stronger?"

"That's not it," he mutters.

"What do you mean? How much stronger do you need to get? What are you looking for?" I sound mildly exasperated and try to keep my voice level, but I truly don't understand. What is this all for?

"No. It's not . . . not physical strength."

"What kind of strength then?" I ask, and he suddenly gets tight-lipped and says nothing. But once more, his expression changes to a familiar look of hurt. I used to see this when he was twelve and would talk about his parents. He doesn't express that anymore though. Things click. Indeed, he's not looking for physical strength.

"Because of how you feel towards your parents." I say, and he remains silent. But that hurt look remains, confirming my words. I sigh, feeling a mixture of emotions.

"And you think this is the way to go about things, Austin?"

"It has to be," he says, sounding like his younger self for a moment. That younger Austin would defend his parents with excuses even when no one mentioned them or asked why they weren't around. That younger Austin hoped for something that could never be. He wanted his parents to be there and simply love him, not just with their fleeting words, but through their actions.

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