Chapter 12 - Old Friends Finally Reunite

Start from the beginning

After a few minutes, Mrs. Shidou walks out of the back with my order and places it in front of me.

Y/N: Thank you, Mrs. Shidou.

Mrs. Shidou: No problem, Y/N. Irina's crush is always welcome here.

Y/N: You still tease her. *starts to eat*

Mr. Shidou: She has been doing that since Irina was little.

Y/N: I can see that. My parents are the same way. *takes another bite* I think that's just being a parent in general.

Mr. Shidou: So how have you been since you know?

Y/N: Good. At first it was horrible but after a few months it got better.

Mrs. Shidou: What do you mean?

Y/N: When I got home, most of my friends turned against me and didn't want anything to do with me. The heroes and huntsmen of my town hated me and treated me like a criminal.

Mrs. Shidou: I'm sorry that you had to go through that.

Y/N: Thank you for your sympathy.

Mr. Shidou: So, all your friends turned against you.

Y/N: Most of them. Only my best friend Alex, his girlfriend Jennifer and my other friend Jackson still see me as a friend.

Mr. Shidou: At least you still had a few friends that stick with you even when everyone else turns against you.

Y/N: Yeah. *eats the last shrimp* This is still good as I remember.

Mrs. Shidou: Well, it's a family recipe. When you and Irina get married, I will give you the recipe.

Y/N: *chokes a little*

Mr. Shidou: Honey. Don't talk like that, plus you almost killed Y/N with that remark.

Y/N: *recovers* I'm fine. But I can see why she thinks that. I mean I'm not as dense as Jaune. Speaking of him, did he and Pyrrha finally get together?

Mrs. Shidou: Yes, they did.

Y/N: Thank God. I got worried that he was still dense as hell and thought that I might have to hit him on the head with a frying pan to knock the dense out of him.

This comment made Irina's parents laugh.

Mr. Shidou: At least you still have your sense of humor.

Y/N: *finishes eating*Thanks for the meal. How much do I owe you?

Mr. Shidou: Nothing. You get a free meal since you are staying here again.

Y/N: Well, I'm not exactly staying.

Mrs. Shidou: What do you mean?

Y/N: I'm just visiting. I'm the head chef at my family's restaurant and my dad had to fire the assistant chefs last week, so it's only me and him. So, I can't stay, I'm needed at home.

Mr. Shidou: We understand. How often are you going to visit?

Y/N: Every other weekend or so if nothing comes up. So, you will be seeing more of me.

Mrs. Shidou: Well, you're always welcome here, Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks. *gets off the stool* Well, I'm going to look around to see if anything has changed since I left. See you later, Mr. and Mrs. Shidou.

Mr. Shidou: See you later, Y/N.

Mrs. Shidou: Stay safe, Y/N.

I walk away from the Shidou's restaurant and look at the décor. I walk upstairs and made my way to the second floor and see the other shops and tables. I notice some of the people looking at me and talking about me. I continued to look around until I heard a voice.

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