Third Day of the exam arrived and everything runs smoothly, they decided to take a rest for now and just protect their spots and their camp clean, after a long rest and just relaxing everyone decided to eat while Hinata decides to rest inside the tents because she is does not feel good but doesn't show anyone but Naruto noticed it and decided to let her rest and just check her up later. After a few hours a fire suddenly came from the food section of the group and everyone immediately get some water to stop the fire but Shino noticed something 'Where is Hinata-san and Naruto- san?' Then he counted their numbers and Whoruno is gone " Guys Sakura is gone along with Naruro and Hinata where are they?" Ko asked " It's probably Sakura who started the fire I didn't saw her all morning " Aki replied. " I think Naruto and Hinata is finding her " Shino said. Everything's good until kochi and Sora noticed how the sky is so dark " Uh guys I think we should cook dinner now and get inside I think it's going to rain" Sora said " And considering how dark the sky is I think it's going to be a big one" Kochi said to which everyone hurried to cook to get shelter from the rain.

With Hinata. Hinata noticed that the key card is missing and if she suspicious is correct she decide to follow Whoruno and find out her suspicious is correct.

" Ah it seems I've been caught but sucks to be you because now we already know who the leader is and now Sasuke-kun will love me HAHAHAHAHAHAH" Whoruno claimed " I'll get back that card even if I have to beat you to it " Hinata said immediately activating her Byakugan and rushed at Whoruno, but because of her illness Hinata can't performed well but after beating the living shit out of Whoruno she managed to get back the card when suddenly rain started pouring, with her illness and the rain it's too hard for Hinata to go back to the camp. She is so weak right now that she is actually falling but luckily Naruto caught her " I'm so weak" Hinata cried " If I'm just strong enough I didn't have to lose the card and endangered the rest of the group. I'm really is a failure " Hinata cried " You are not a failure, and don't worry you have me so don't worry anymore I'll take over from here" Naruto said as he hit her nape with a chop to make her unconscious. Naruto immediately went back to the gate of the forest to retire Hinata. " Naruto what happened?" Iruka asked after seing Hinata's condition " Hinata was biten by a spider in the forest and render her sick and cannot be continue.

After a few moments Naruro returned to their camp and explained what happened to Hinata, they were all sadden by this but Shino assured them that with all the points from the spots they can still pass the exam. They all agreed and proceeds to rest but Naruto pulls Shino back. " Shino, here's the scroll which has the names of all the leaders of each group tell everyone that it was Hinata's answers" Naruto said " But what if they're wrong won't they just pushed it to Hinata-san who now is not even in a good condition?" Shino asked but " Trust me it's all correct, now let's go rest " Naruto said and both of the boys decided to rest for the night.

The exam has now ended and each group will now need to submit their answers and meet at the gates. When everyone arrived they don't see Group C and when one student ask where Group C is " Well they all retired yesterday so they won't be here" Iruka said but before he can continue Sasuke exited the forest and went in front where Group C suppose to be with a smirk. Everyone is surprised that Sasuke is the only one on Group C left but didn't pry on it too much. After a few minutes of waiting for the results of the exam Iruka went infront of the class " Alright everyone now here is the scores!" Iruka shouted " Last place Group C with 0 points" Iruka shouted which make a questioning look from Sasugay " Third place Group A with 125 points" which shocked Group A because they thought that they have it on the bag " Second place with Group B with 147 points" which shocked the entire group with Shikamaru get to thinking " And First place Group D with 188 points" Iruka shouted which made all group D celebrated while Group A and Sasugay are looking at them with irritataton and and Sasugay with anger " Why the hell my group doesn't have any points I guessed every leader correctly!" Sasugay shouted but Iruka glared him and " No, you didn't. You guess all wrong so all of your bonus points are negated which brings your group with 0 points" Iruka said, but before Sasugay can say anymore Iruka dismissed everyone. The only ones left are Shikamaru, Shino and Naruto. " Naruto, you planed all of this didn't you?" Shino asked who got the attention of Shikamaru " Hinata can't do something like that so all the blame falls to you " Shino added " Maybe, maybe not" Naruto replied as he walked away " Troublesome blonde" Shikamaru murmured.

At Group A meeting place, everyone is bickering on who to blame for being third place. Every one blamed Kiba but some of the memebers of Group A defend him until Ino arrived. " Ino! " Kiba shouted "It's you isn't it! You are the one who sells out Group A leader to your Sasuke-kun!" Kiba claimed To which make the rest of their member listen and face Ino " No one on our group has the guts to gave away the leader and no reason to as well besides you!, because you wanted to be seen as someone worthy of your jackass Sasuke-kun so you sell out Group A's leader to him!" Kiba shouted and to the rest of Group A it makes sense so they glared Ino but since there's nothing they can do anymore they just left her with disappointment and anger but before Kiba left he spit on the ground after looking at Ino making her cry out of embarrassment she felt from her group and guilt.

While with Group B they're happy and contented at their ranking and now celebrating at barbecue while Shikamaru is still thinking of how Naruto manage to do it.

While Sasuke and the rest of Group C is complaining at the Instructors and after a long bickering. Sasugay realize that there's no changing it and just walked away angry and thinkihg of who stole his points, because he thinks he actually have a good plan infiltrate the other Groups to get their leader and report it back to him but it was ruined by someone and he needs to know why and why Group D won instead of Group C.

While on Group D, after everyone visited Hinata at the Hospital and explained that they win and thanked Hinata because Shino said that she's the reason why they won. And when Hinata asked Shino, " Asked Naruto-san. He is the one who told me everything. I myself don't know what happen but he certainly do" Shino replied while exiting the door. After a few minutes Naruto's visited Hinata to check how she feeling. But he didn't expect her to looked him with questioning look " Naruto-kun you tell me what exactly is going on" Hinata demands " They guessed our leader incorrectly" Naruto said which confused Hinata " Well you weren't our leader anymore" Naruto said " Wait but the card " Hinata said but when Naruto showed her the card with his name on it " What's your name doing on the card?" Hinata asked " Just before the test ended I change Group D's leader, you can't change a leader without a legitimate reason and a falling health is a pretty good reason. And because of that Group A, B and Sasugay guessed incorrectly" Naruto said " Wait you planned all this by yourself didn't you" Hinata asked " Yes" Naruto simply replied. " I know Whoruno is a spy so I destroyed her wireless radio that means she would have to steal the card herself, then I waited until your condition sufficiently deteriorated. I got you to show me the card and while Sakura was watching and got you to go to the waterfall to make you weak because of your condition to which lured Whoruno to stealing the card. And i started the fire to throw the camp into chaos, giving Whoruno the opening to escape. I knew their plan all along was to sneak out of camp and show Sasugay the card" Naruto stated " Then you convinced me and knocked me out to make me dropped out and made yourself the leader" Hinata stated " Yes, but that came in later. At first I planned to mass points by occupying all the spots. Then we saw Kiba leaving one of the spots with Class A's card " Naruto said " So that means Group A's leader is Kiba?" Hinata asked " No Kiba is a cautious person because of his senses he would never do aything reckless as that it was just a performance to hide the truth someone else had occupied the spot without checking with him first that's how I manage to infer that Group A's leader is infact Yahiko the guy with Kiba at the cave" Naruto stated which made Hinata stared at awe " And as for Group C I know Sasugay is still inside the forest, when we pass their camp he had a wireless raidio next to him, Whoruno is also in possession of one just like it, Sasugay is indeed still in contact with Whoruno, after that I was certain that Groop C's leader is Sasugay. That made me change my tactics from spot occupation to leader identifications strategy and left Group B alone, because to be honest they already have a spy so I know their leader would still be revealed" Naruto said " And you were right their leader were identified and caused them serious points" Hinata said " Yes" Naruto replied Hinata smiled at Naruto " You really put one over everyone this time" Hinata said Naruto just chuckle " Maybe, maybe not" then proceeds to leave the room

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