Prologue - A New Player has Joined (Chapter Rewrite)

Start from the beginning

James then looked around to see where he is, "Where the heck I'm? the heck! why am I here? and where am i?" James said as he looked everywhere.

Then an unknown voice suddenly was heard throughout the vast space, "Your in a special place my child."

James got spooked by the unexpected voice, "Who said that?!" as he looked around to find the source of the voice.

The unknown voice chuckled at James attempt to find the voice, "Alright, no need to show hostilities," as the voice said that, a bright light then came out of nowhere and blinded James for a minute, making James lift his arm to attempt to block the light in front of him.

After a minute of being blinded by the light, the light died down, making James drop his arm to see. He says an old-looking person with a long white beard, a long brown staff, and wearing a long white robe.

James then looked at the old man with a look of nervousness, "Who are you?" he then pointed at the old man, "Not trying to be mean or anything."

The old-looking man then laughed slightly, "Well, since you asked nicely, I shall introduce myself. My name is Archon, an Observer in your Universe," the old man started to James.

James then looked at the now identified person, Archon, with an eyebrow raised and a confused expression, "An Observer in my Universe? What the heck does that mean," James said with a confused voice.

"Well, I can't go into detail since it will take us weeks to explain all of them. While in a nutshell, an Observer is a watcher that watches the Universe that 'Father' had assigned to us. Your Universe is the oldest Universe actually, I was lucky to be placed here by 'Father'," Archon finished his short summary of an Observer to James.

James looked at Archon, "So, you said my Universe is the oldest right?" James asked Archon.

"Correct," Archon said to James, answering his question.

"So that means, you've been an Observer in my Universe since it was created. Right?" James said to Archon.

Archon then nodded at him, "You are very correct," as smiled at him.

James then whistled at Archon, "Wow, you've been watching us since the beginning of my kind," he said with a voice of admiration, "That's a very VERY long work."

Archon smiled at James, "Well, thank you."

"Although, that doesn't explain why am I here," James asked while scratching his head.

Archon then laughed at James' dismay, "Well it's simple... you died in an accident," He said while looking at him with a deadpan face.

"Oh wait," James said, "I remembered a truck hurtling towards me," He said that. He looked at Archon, "I died by a truck right..." He looked at Archon also in a deadpan face.

Archon nodded at James, still looking at him with a deadpan face.



"Bruhhhhhhhh..." Said James while shouting the word 'Bruh' for a good 30 seconds, "I died as a virgin," James looked down with a face of sadness.

Archon then removed his deadpan face and looked at James with a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, you died way too early even 'Father' noticed it. He got very sympathetic towards you. So he sent you here to give you a second chance in life," Archon looked at James while smiling.

James put up a 'Surprised Pikachu face' and looked at Archon, "Really?!" James looked at Archon with a surprised and happy expression.

Archon nodded at James, "Well yes, although there is a catch," He said. This caught James's attention since there is a catch, "I can't exactly revive you on your original world, but I can revive you on another world where fantasy and magic are real," Archon said finishing his explanation to James.

James looked at him, "Wow, that sounds like an Isekai anime or novel," He said with amusement.

Archon, however, muttered words that James can't hear, "Because it is an Isekai Fanfiction," Then something happened that shouldn't be possible... James heard Archons muttering.

"Hmmm? you said something?" James looked at Archon, "I swear I heard something from you," He looked at Archon with a questioning look.

Then Archon laughed lightly and had some sweat dripping from his head, "Oh nothing to worry about, I'm just finding you a better world to revive you," He smiled at Archon.

James looked at Archon, eyes squinted and looking at him intently.





James then shrugs, "Oh well, since I can't go back in my world," He looked at Archon, "I'll go to the fantasy world you said."

Archon then clapped his hand in excitement, "Brilliant!" He then looked at James, "Oh before I'll send you to the world, I like to give you some abilities," Archon then raises her hand and points her palm to James while muttering something. Then a wave of blue and white light simply engulfs James, after a few minutes the light died down.

James clutched his head as he was dizzy from Archon, "What happened?" He then looked at Archon to look for an answer from him, "What did you do to me?"

"Easy, I gave you some abilities that might or will help you in your journey to the new world," Archon said to James, which answered James' question.

James then looked at Archon while his eyes showed excitement and sparkles for some strange reason, he then jumped in happiness, "Really?! Awesome!" he then stopped jumping, "Although, what are my abilities?" James looked at Archon

Archon shrugs, "You'll figure it out eventually," he then looked at James, "Now let's get you started on your journey," Archon then lifts his staff then waves it around, then a portal appeared below James. Then the portal sucked James in. 

Archon waves at James, "Good luck James!" 

James then replied, "WaaaaahhHHHhhhhh!!!" 

Then the portal closes, leaving Archon alone, "No that is done," he then summons a chair and a 20th-century T.V.

"Time to watch the show."


To be continued

author's note: this is my first time writing a chapter so expect some cringy stuff cause english is not my first language XD and also i don't have experience on writing a story at all so YOLO!!!

author's note#2: this book is on a rewriting phase, so expect some major changes okay? here... have a cookie :D

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