27 : p o i s o n . a n d . f l a m e s

Start from the beginning

"Aye, sir!" Happy saluted as he took off over the castle.

Carla was hot on his heels, "I'll help you!"

Natsu was aware of the magic clashing behind him, but he paid it no mind. Amber wasn't as lucky as a maroon dagger collided with her blood shield as Demi appeared beside her. The brunette was annoyed that Amber had been able to anticipate her attack, but she wasn't stopping until all of these pesky fairies were laid out on the ground.

"Did you miss me so much that you came to find me?" her eyes shined with a hit of madness.

Amber pushed her back, "Thought I would return your kindness."

The Blood mage swiped her hand through the air, "Blood Wave."

Demi teleported back to avoid the blades of crimson, but immediately went back in for a second attempt.

"Lightning Dragon Roar."

Her hair stood on end as she was barely able to dodge Laxus' attack. Turning back, she slammed her hands together, "Poison-Make: Blade Storm!"

The torrent of blades went for the two mages, fanning out further than the last time. But not far enough to hit the one that had been waiting for his chance to strike.

There was a blur as Gray jumped from behind the archway Demi had her back to. A vague jingling sound echoed from that hall as he landed off to her side. Now aware of the new opponent, the brunette began to spin in order to make her attack span wide enough to include him, but Gray didn't give her enough time.

The vague jingle turned into clanging as he flicked the chain in his hand like a whip, wrapping the other end around Demi's wrists. The maroon magic circle at her fingertips faded, her spell tampering off with the new micropulse that came from the magic resistant chain. She strained her arms, pulling her wrists apart as quickly as she could, but she wasn't faster than Gray.

"Ice-Make: Freeze!"

The links binding her limbs instantly froze over, stopping her hope of breaking free. Demi focused her magic, pulling what she could to the surface away from the chains. She couldn't teleport like this, but that wasn't the magic that made her deadly.

A maroon aura seemed to seep from her pores, faintly sizzling against her skin. An evil chuckle sounded through her smirk, her words still calm and controlled, "I won't let you interfere with our dream."

Much like how Gray's magic could freeze the area directly around him, the ash and bits of stone at Demi's feet began to wither and fizzle out of existence. The radius around her grew as she poured more and more of her magic out of her body, the raw patches of her skin growing with it.

"I will end you all here!"

With another push, a poisonous pulse of magic spread out over their half of the courtyard. Demi knew that she wouldn't hit Izai or the Phoenix Slayer with the ritual's barrier raised. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, but she held them in. They weren't from the pain of her own magic eating away at her being, it was that she wouldn't get to see the miracle that she and Izai had worked so hard for all these years. Two decades of their lives had led to this day and she wasn't going to let these Fairies ruin it. She wouldn't let them near him or the ritual.

"Poison-Make: Direct Annihilation!"

Ash was kicked up around the courtyard from the force of Demi's spell. They all shielded their eyes, holding their breath in hopes of not inhaling the ash or the wave of poison on the air. Those on the other side of the courtyard paused their own fight, eyes wide with fear from feeling the malice that had radiated from that spell. Natsu had been the closest, covering the lower half of his face with his scarf.

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