A Special Hangout With Yuu | 008

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'We could've watched this in Miyagi...' Ayumu sighed as he stared at the entrance of cinema 1.

"Are you coming or what? Scared?" Noya asked, a grin on his face."Me?" The manager scoffed, walking towards the male. With one hand on a large size bucket of popcorn, he used his other to grab the libero's hand, dragging Nishinoya towards the door. 

"We'll see about that."The libero's grin widened, clutching the hand that was holding his tighter.

"Challenge accepted."Noya closed his eyes tightly as footsteps echoed in the theater. he opened his right eye to take a peak at the boy beside him. 

'Heh.' he thought, as he watched the other boy shiver.

Ayumu let out a sigh, having the urge to look away from the large screen. Nishinoya felt much more powerful than him.Few minutes into the movie, Noya took one more peak at the boy beside him. This time, Ayumu's eyes were glinting with fascination at the bloodshed occurring in the scene. 

"That's dumb," The manager muttered. "they forgot to wear their gloves." Instead of watching the stupid movie, the libero was observing the boy beside him. Big brown eyes studied the boy's long lashes, tall nose, and his pink lips.'And his eyes,' Noya's eyes went back at the top.

His eyes connected with hazel ones, making it widen in surprise. 

"Yuu? What's wrong?" Ayumu whispered, leaning towards the other boy. The lights from the screen reflected on the side of his face. 

Noya couldn't help but think of how stunning the person was beside him was. He knew many people have fallen for the manager's charm, and now he understood how. 

"I-" The libero licked his lips that were starting to dry. He wasn't sure what he was feeling. He had never felt such a thing before. 'I should have never chosen this movie,' he thought. 'My heart is pounding like crazy,' he shakily exhaled as a girly scream erupted from the film.

Hazel eyes squinted as he gave the libero a playful smile. He leaned in closer, close enough that their noses brushed against each other. 

"You can hug me if your scared, you know?"Noya instinctively leaned back, eyes darting towards the other's lips and towards hazel eyes. 

"B-bastard," he stuttered, looking back at the screen, just on time for a scary lady to pop out as the main character turned around. 

"Shit." the libero cursed, his hand automatically clutching on the manager's arm, drawing his body closer to the other.The male manager's smile doesn't suit the movie genre, either. It grew wider as scarier scenes played, and as the other boy there at his side, was hiding his face on Ayumu's shoulder.

"This is the best movie I have ever watched." he mumbled to himself as another yelp came out of the libero's mouth, and the hands clutching his arms tightened. 


"What kind of movie was that?!" Noya complained, his complexion was pale at the horrendous things he watched. He wasn't scared of ghosts or anything like that, but the movie was one of the scariest films this year. 

"You picked it," Ayumu pointed out. "Anyways, what should we do next?" 

"I'm hungry," the libero huffed, putting his hands on his pockets. The duo spent time eating lunch peacefully. Some girls tried to interrupt them, but with Noya's growling and Ayumu's cold gaze, they stood no chance in ever getting their attention. They went to the most famous street in Tokyo, filled with the most random and unique shops. 

"Oh!" something caught the libero's interest; it was a clothing shop. "I like that hoodie!" Dragging the taller male with him, Noya browsed at the selection, searching for his size and grabbed knew that he liked the best. At the same time, Ayumu grabbed a hoodie that fit his taste. 

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