Not So Bad. | 001

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Ayumu tried to hide his smirk, but it was hard. At least, it was better than full out laughing. This Noya-san's glare was very amusing. He watched as the other adam's apple moved up and down as the poor boy's shaking hand lifted towards his pocket. He had to angle himself a little, but his fellow first-year seemed to be having a hard time doing the simple task.

"I won't bite, Noya-san. Please hurry up," the tall male said, adding fuel to the fire. The corner of his lip twitched hard as the shorter boy huffed. He felt the other boy's hand shove in his pocket.

Noya felt his ears get warmer. The other boy was enjoying his pain. He grumbled as he felt around for the phone; before finally grabbing the phone.

Ayumu sighed and gave him a smile that was very fake. "I thought you're going to feel me up or something because you were taking too long.," he chuckled. "If it's you thought, I don't think I would mind."

"Bastard!" The libero took out the phone and clutched it tighter, glaring at the taller male with all his might. "If you don't want to help me, just say so," he hissed.

"Oh no, Noya-san," Ayumu said, voice lacing with amusement. "I'd love to! Sorry, I'll stop teasing now. Please add your contract. I'll text about the time and place."


"Huh?" Tanaka let out as he watched his friend angrily change his clothes while muttering curses. "Ah, your meeting Mr. Popular right away?" he questioned, feeling bad for the libero.

Noya groaned in frustration, dropping his bag as he ruffled his hair. "Why do I have to get help from the bastard? I'll join you!"

"Hey, you know that we won't be studying if you do," The wing spiker grinned "Maybe, Kamedori can help you get girls! Think about this as an opportunity."

Noya stroked his chin, trying to think about his situation in a more positive light. He shook his head, deeming it impossible. Noya doubted himself. He doesn't think he can ask the said boy do that, and besides, he would rather not spend any second longer than necessary with Mr. Popular. He finished packing and bid his goodbyes.

The libero arrived near the gate looked around for a light-grey haired boy. He saw several girls talking to themselves. He rubbed his nose and grinned. 'Karasuno's uniform is truly the best,' he thought. His ears twitched as he listened to their conversation.

"Kamedori-kun looks so mysterious when he stands alone, don't you think?" A girl muttered in awe, fanning herself with her hands.

"Yeah, he's like untouchable," another one added, sighing in appreciation.

"But when he's with someone, Kamedori-kun is nice and friendly. Truly the best!"

Noya scoffed and continued his search. 'Of course, they're talking about him,' he thought with a frown. He finally found his new tutor leaning beside the wall with his earphones plugged in his ears, Noya's right eyebrow lifted at the aura the other gave. A few words to describe what he was looking at right now were mysterioud and intimidating, just like the conversation from earlier. 'Where did the annoying bastard go?' he questioned.

Noya's eyes widen as a pair of sharp hazel eyes stared right back at him. 'Huh?'

The heavy tension disappeared as the other smiled at him, eyes crinkling into crescent moons. Ayumu pulled his earphones and shoved them in his pocket in one swift motion. "Hi, Noya-san," he greeted with a wave.

"H-hey," Noya clutched his bag tighter. Was it just his imagination?
No, he was sure he felt something. It felt similar to being overpowered in the court. He gulped and shoved the thought at the back of his mind. He wasn't one to be afraid. He was, after all, the libero of Karasuno.

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