The Last Favor. | 004

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"Oh, which one should we try first?" Noya asked. He stared at all the different attractions with a big smile.

Ayumu hummed, doing the same. "Do you want to-" he was cut off by Noya's excited exclamation.

"Oi, let's try that one!" the libero hurriedly grabbed Ayumu's wrist, pulling the other towards the ride that caught his eyes. He was painfully unaware of Ayumu's surprised face that was beginning to redden.

"W-wait, Noy- Ah-" he caught himself. "Yuu!"


Noya couldn't stop grinning like an idiot. 'This is fun,' he thought. He let out a loud laugh as he bumped Ayumu's kart.

"Move!" he shouted. He snickered as he watched the kart spin in circles. His eyes widened as he heard the other cursed and laughed freely.

"Fuck, Yuu!" Ayumu shouted back, surprising himself. He was using the things he learned in a brash manner. The light-grey haired boy wanted to pat himself in the back. 'I studied hard for this,' he mused, unsure whether he should be proud or disappointed of himself at the pun. ('Fuck' was said in English)

"Ah! Bastard..." Noya hollered angrily before trailing off and smiling again. Sure, the pun was outrageous but it was kind of cute. 'Just a little,' he assured himself.



"That one," Ayumu pointed at the scary-looking ride. The biggest ride in the park was a giant rollercoaster.

Noya gulped. Was he scared? No, he wasn't. Maybe, just a little intimidated.
"You sure?" he asked the other boy again.

With a mocking smirk, the hazel-eyed tutor placed a hand on top of the libero's head. "Ah, I don't know if your allowed to ride this. Maybe we should choose another one," he drawled. "The Teacup?"

A big irked mark appeared on Noya's head. His right eye started twitching at the teasing tone the other picked up. He scoffed and walked towards the ride like a boss.

Ayumu's left hand was hovering in the air as he chuckled at the other's temperament. "You're too short!"

"Shut up!"


Noya gulped, his heart was racing. He glared at the staff that questioned his height earlier and made his weird tutor choke in laughter.

The usually apathetic boy had an exciting smile beside him. The libero couldn't help but mirror it despite the thumping in his chest. It was contagious.

"Let's go! Go!" He chanted, pumping his right fist in the air as the other hand clutched the safety bar tighter. He heard another melodic laugh from the other.

"3, 2 ,1," Ayumu whispered in an excited tone.

Noya turned to the other to question him, "why are you-" he was cut off by his scream when the ride started moving all of a sudden. He squeezed his eyes shut at the motion.

"B-bastard, what are you doing?!" the libero opened his eyes, looking up at the person beside him. At this point, both of Noya's hands were gripping the safety bar like a lifeline. Ayumu tried to hold his right hand, pulling it upwards.

"You have to enjoy it like this," Ayumu held their hands up, earning a yelp from the other. "Let your hands go!" he shouted.

Noya gulped as they reached the top, doing what the other says. He closed his eyes again as they dropped, screaming on top of his lungs. Noya gripped onto Ayumu's hand that was holding his own. His scream turned into laughter as he opened his eyes and realized it wasn't scary at all. The breeze was exhilarating, and the view was breathtaking.

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