Keefe Saves the Bread (KOLTC + Aladdin)!

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***** DISCLAIMER: These characters belong to Shannon Messenger and Aladdin belongs to Disney, but all the writing is my own questionable imagination!*** Also: Written pre-Unlocked & Stellarlune!

**** set in the Aladdin marketplace in a Keeper-Ali world*****

*crowds shuffle through the streets* *Sophie, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Tam, and Linh are shopping, looking very out of place. Sophie hands a few coins to a merchant and purchased a loaf of bread. Out of nowhere, a figure in a Neverseen cloak rushes by and snatches the loaf of bread out of her hands, running away into the crowd*


Fitz: *points dramatically* Someone stole her bread!!!

*from a nearby rooftop, Keefe swings down on a rope*


*he lands in front of them and strikes a heroic pose*


Sophie: *squints* Keefe, why on earth are you wearing an eyepatch?

Biana: With a filthy overcoat?

Dex: And a hook?

Fitz: With a sword?

*attempts to sheath the sword, then opts to just tuck it under his arm*

Keefe: 'Cause this one pirate I crossed paths with in the desert practically threw it at me in the dessert and he was like 'yo gimme your stuff or I'll slit your gizzard' and I was like 'you bet!' and I gave him seven bottles of Fart a la Carte and told him it was a good trade. And then I ran.

Sophie: You gave a human Fart a la Carte?

Keefe: Of course, Foster! It doesn't hurt to swap ideas!

Linh: *shakes her head* That poor soul.

Keefe: He'll be alright, right Fitzie? *loops arm around Fitz's shoulders*

Fitz: You know I still haven't forgiven you for that? I was ...incapacitated for like two days until Elwin gave me an antidote.

*Dex snickers*

Keefe: Who said it was me? *checks Fitz's forehead* Fitzie, I think you have a fever. Dehydration, what a pity!

*steers Fitz away*

Fitz: What are you doing? Let me go!

Keefe: *shakes head sympathetically* Poor man doesn't know what he's saying.

Fitz: I do know what I'm saying!

Keefe: Stay back Foster! Whatever he has might be contagious for telepaths!

Fitz: But we're--

*Keefe trips on the hem of his overcoat and goes down, dragging Fitz with him*

Fitz: Ow.

Linh: Are you okay?

Keefe: No, I'm Captain Hunkyhair!

Fitz: *dusting himself off*  Well, Captain, you almost impaled me with your sword.

Keefe: My sword! *looks around**freezes* Where'd it go?

Biana: Here. *reappears with sword* I think I'd better hold on to it.

Dex: Woah.

Keefe: B-but my sword!

Fitz: But our lives!

Tam: Sorry, Captain. I'm with Biana.

Keefe: Not you too, Bangs Boy. *turns to Dex* Dex?

Dex: *Looks from sword to Biana, who gestures* 

Dex: Um...perhaps you should invest in a scabbard?

Keefe: Well that's rigged. Bangs Girl?

Linh: ...It

Keefe: Foster???

Sophie: *is zoned out, distracted*

Keefe: Fine. *throws off his coat and begins warming up, cracking his knuckles*

Fitz: What are you doing?

Keefe: A good captain goes down with his ship. And he doesn't go down without a fight.

Linh: *sighs* We're on land, Keefe. In the desert.

Dex: You're going to take on all of us?

Keefe: Whatever the cost. *assumes fighting stance, ready to throw the first punch* 

Sophie: Uh, guys?

Keefe: Yes, Foster?

Sophie: ...What about the bread? And the Neverseen?


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