Back from the dead.

Start from the beginning

Kiba:It's (Y/N) he is in the clubroom.

We all run back to the clubroom but he isn't there anymore.Rias is mad.

Rias:Ok you three now I am mad we all going to sit here until you tell me who's idea it was.

We all sit there.

3rd person P.O.V

You go back to class and do your lessons until Physical Ed.You are on your phone listening to a voicenote from Ash.

Ash:You asshole I was hungry and all you can think about is your fucking self, screw you.

She sounds really pissed off .

You walk passed Koneko and catches your sent .

Koneko P.O.V

That can't be.I turn around to see a head of a boy walking to gym.

Koneko: It can't be.

I shake my head and it is all gone.The sent and him.

Koneko:What is going on with me?Maybe I should speak to Rias.

I walk to Rias.

Akono P.O.V

I desided to go pick up guys by the gym.It normally doesn't work very well but as I get there I see (Y/N).I am shocked at his rock hard abs.I shake my head.

Akono:I must tell Rias,She will be so happy.

I run to Rias and past Koneko.

Akono:Hey Koneko did you see him.

Koneko:You too.

Akono:We have to tell Rias.

Koneko shakes her head and we run to Rias.When we get there we see Kiba,Gasper and Roissewiesee say they saw (Y/N).

Akono:You guys too huh.

Rias:Ok enough if (Y/N) is alive why has he not come back to us yet.

Akono:Maybe he is in trouble.

Rias:If so then we need to find him.

We all agree.We start to think.

Then about an hour after that we hear Xenovia and Asia come running.

Xenovia and Asia:(Y/N) is alive we saw him.

Akono:We know we have all seen him except for Rias.

Rias:This is strange you have all seen him but yet he has not come to one of us.

Serzech appears with thier Mom and Dad as Rias called them.

Serzech:Why are we here?

Rias:(Y/N) is alive.


Mom:Are you sure?

Serzech:How do you know it is him?

Rias:We don't but most of my peerage has seen him.

Serzech:So why has he not come home yet.

Mom:Maybe he thinks we are mad at him or better off without him.

Dad:No we need to know what is going on?


Issei is peaking into the girls changing room.You see him and deside to give him a message.You kick him in the balls to get his attention.

Issei:What the hell du...

He pauses when he sees you .You pick him up by the collar.

(Y/N):Listen here perv I actually like you so you going to give my sister a message.

Issei:What message?

(Y/N):I am safe and Riser is coming soon.

You drop him and he trys running to the clubroom still to sore to actually to run.You go to the enchanted forrest.

Sona's P.O.V

Today we get Saji's familiar.

Tsubaki:Um master we can't go to the enchanted forrest today.

Sona:Why is that?

Tsubaki: It is a blood moon tonight and the familiar master said we can't.

Sona:Fine let me tell Rias as well.

She goes and tells Rias as she gets there.Issei comes panting.

Sona:What happened to you?

Issei goes inside and everyone sees him in pain.

Rias:What happened?

Koneko:Most probably being a perv.

Issei:Yes I was being a perv then I got kick in the nuts by (Y/N).

Everyone: (Y/N)

Issei:Yeah (Y/N) and he told me to tell Rias he is okay.

Rias:So he is alive but why after a whole year did he only come now.

Serzech:I think I know why but I can't be sure. We all need to get some rest

We all head home.


Your in the enchanted forrest.

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