Mafia Husband Part 4

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(Imagine if you will that in a mirror world...)

Aleksander Tchiviosky was an impressive specimen of man. When Sasha opened her eyes she focused on his black shaggy hair that fell in soft waves around his face. He was sleeping on his stomach, his shoulders linked perfection because he was holding the fluffy pillow under him.

His carved body was naked, the ink that covered his skin was a living creature in itself whenever he exhaled or flexed.

They had met many years ago, their paths crossing by happenstance. She had been in Detroit finishing her degree when they met. She was still embarrassed by the argument she was having with her ex, Jackson. Jackson didn't want her to hang out with her friends. They had been at the gas station and she insisted she needed some girl time. The argument escalated to yelling and even though most people ignored them, Aleks hadn't.

He never told Sasha why he had been in Detroit. When she asked him later why he had intervened, Aleks told her he didn't appreciate how Jackson was talking to her. He broke Jackson's nose with a swift punch and asked her if she needed a ride home.

So why did things feel off? She truly believed that he wouldn't hurt her. Aleks had never raised a hand to her, rarely yelled at her. And now he was drugging her? It didn't make sense.

But he didn't give her pills last night.

Sasha had to pay whatever game this was so she could keep her wits about her. She had to pretend that Ricky never existed. That she never had an affair.

Aleks readjusted next to her and turned onto his side.

Staring at the skull and graveyard on his back, Sasha had memorized the names.

Aleks used to be a man for hire. If he had ever been caught, his back would have been evidence enough to lock him up. She ran her hand up his back to his shoulders, his skin was warm beneath her fingertips.

"Mmm," Aleks sighed before he rolled onto his back and lifted an arm for her to get closer. "Come here, baby," he urged through the fog of sleep.

Scooting closer, Sasha sighed when his arm wrapped around her. He felt so fucking good. "Are you going to work today?" she asked, trying to sound indifferent.

Inhaling deeply, Aleks released a slow sigh and his body relaxed. "No. Not unteel I find you a bodyguard I can trust."

Swallowing her anxiety, Sasha reminded herself not to mention Ricky. "Thanks for taking care of me," she said instead.

His large hand snaked down her back, dipped with her curves and reached the swell of her ass. "Of course. I'll always take care of you," he insisted. He squeezed a handful of her big booty and groaned. "Last night was amazeeng," he said with a thick accent.

She teased his pierced nipple. "You want me for breakfast?"

He was quick to readjust them so she was on her back and he was hovering above her. His muscled thighs forced her legs apart seconds before he speared her.

Gasping her surprise, Sasha's body rejoiced. "Fuck, Aleks," she panted.

He bit her chin before dipping his head to her neck where his tongue undulated against her sensitive flesh. His hips moved in long, slow strokes because he was still waking up. Blessed be morning dick. He groaned when she readjusted so he could reach deeper. He grabbed both of her hands and held them above her head, his hips picking up speed.

Aleks was a powerful man in every sense of the word. Last night he had fucked her senseless, but as the sun rose, he was making love to her. He was giving her all of him.

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