Mafia Husband Part 3

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(Imagine if you will in a parallel storiverse...)

The scenic view of the green rolling hills beneath a blue sky with marshmallow clouds usually calmed Sasha. But it had been two weeks since the incident and she still couldn't figure out what was up and what was down.

The morning sun bathed her legs with soft golden rays when she reached for her kindle. Aleks had taken her phone and iPad claiming that he was buying her upgrades.

Speaking of her husband, he sat down with huff in the chair across from her. "Here are meds," he said after he placed three pills on the empty saucer next to her water.

Swallowing her anxiety, Sasha side eyed the pills. "I feel fine," she insisted.

"Because you are takeeng meds," Aleks countered.

They had this argument three times a day. But after he had physically held her and forced them down last week, she decided to try a different tactic. "They make me fuzzy. I feel like a vegetable and I can't remember things," she whispered.

Clearing his throat, Aleks unlocked his phone and thumbed in a text. "What theengs?" he asked with a bite to his voice.

Sasha knew to be careful here. If she mentioned Ricky, he'd blow up and insist the man doesn't exist. "Like this book I'm reading," she lied. "I feel like I can't remember it and keep rereading the same chapters. I don't recognize the chef—"

"I hired new chef," Aleks explained before he released an exasperated sigh.

She knew that. He had replaced the entire staff. There was a new chef, a new maid, new bodyguards, new gardener... Basically anyone who would have known about Ricky was gone and she was confined to the house. In fact, Aleks hadn't left her alone. She couldn't even spend time alone in the bathroom before he was knocking on the door and asking her what was taking so long.

She licked her dry lips, feeling like her world was turned upside down and firmly out of her control. "I don't feel normal, Aleks," she stressed.

"Eet takes a while to get used to new dosage," he shrugged.

Noise from behind her caused Sasha to glance over her shoulder. The new chef was bringing them breakfast. He was a French man and Sasha couldn't remember his name because of the meds. "Bonjour," he greeted them but kept his eyes lowered to the ground. He never made eye contact with Sasha and it made her feel paranoid. None of the new staff interacted with her outside of nods and a few choice words.

He placed a plate with an omelet, sausage and toast in front of her before he bowed and retreated.

"That looks deleecious," Aleks noted. His plate had mixed fruit and cottage cheese.

"Did you want a bite?" she offered.

His obsidian eyes met hers and he smiled. "Yes. You want pineapple?"

Food was a safe subject. She set her kindle on the table and tried to relax as they fed each other nibbles of their breakfast.

"Are you going in to work today?" she asked. Sasha hoped her voice was steady and curious. As much as she loved her husband, she needed a break from him. Spending two weeks under his watchful eye with him controlling all of her interactions was suffocating her.

Aleks stared at her over his cup of coffee. His eyes narrowed when he saw her untouched meds in the saucer. "No. Take your meds," he ordered.

"I don't—"

The ripple of anger across his face silenced her. He leaned across the table and refilled her water glass from the jug.

With her heart pounding, Sasha choked down her meds.

Sasha & her menOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora