You don't know

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You know me,
You know me as a sister,
You know me as a friend,
You know me as a daughter,
You know me may be more than as a friend,
You know why i cry,
You know what makes me smile,
You know my every want ,
You know my every need,
You know what i dream about,
You know my Achilles heel,
You know my obsession with sweets and my abomination for spicy,
You know my love for a cup of coffee
You know my love for Joe and Barney
You know everything


Why don't you know about the drop in my smile my you mention about her,
Why don't you know everytime i cry it's because of her,
Why don't you know how much we have changed over time,
Why don't you know that moments that we cherished together are now you are sharing with someone else,
Why don't you know about the look in my eyes when i see you talk about her,
Why don't you know that i stopped going to our favourite cafe after you went there on a date with her,
Why don't you know how much i have changed since she came,
Why don't you know....


But I know if that's what makes you happy then I'm know one stand in the way of your happiness,
I know even if some relations change even if we change at last it's gonna be okay ,
I know I'll be there even when you both say I do at the at lake side chapel like you always talked about,
I know it's not gonna be you and me against the world but you and ber but I will be right here standing behind to stop your every fall,

Similarly as you were in mine

And I know even if i move on you will be forever hold a part of my heart.


Heyy people if you liked this please don't forget to vote and follow

I'm a lazy author but if you support I might drop some extra fast updates
*Insert guilty smile*

Till then good bye ♥️

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